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Mon, 21 Jun 1999 22:33:17 -0300
Axel Makaroff <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (69 lines)
At 01:39 PM 19/06/99 -0500, you wrote:
>>after some two years, i have to say this:
>>why are so many of you SO fascinated with the plagiarism thing?
>I think "outraged" better would cover the sentiment felt by many.

ok, i did not use the right word.

>>i am not too wise, but the well-known psychological and new agey
>>theory has it that whatever you react strongly to or whatever
>>particularly touches you is merely a reflection of something inside
>>of you. i mean that whoever reacts to plagiarism and to theft, etc,
>>has some unresolved emotional issue with it.
>If this twisted logic of yours includes fanatical raw vegans and
>animal-rights activists, I will buy it.  :)

of course it does. i think that fanatical you-name-it is not ok. and
it is not "twisted logic". it is as i said a well-known theory, the
"mirror theory", for another common name of it.

>>i wanted to comment this because i keep being amazed at the incredible
>>amount of discussion about plagiarism in a raw food list!!
>And I am amazed that it has not stimulated more discussion than it has.

>>it is like many of you guys really have a problem with it.
>Is that an understatement. :)

what i mean is living abroad i might be missing much of what's really
going on with NFL, for example. maybe i don't get a feeling of how
really dishonest and harmful to people they are, based solely on the
internet info. you know, what surpises me is how personally involved
(IMHO) some of you seem to become with this issue.

>>i am not condoning it, of course not, but honestly i do not care about
>>it in this case.
>I would not want to know what kind of case might ignite your (com)passion.

ok, peter, i wrote an overly emotional and careless post.

>>like, who is doing more to help people, most of you guys or the nfl guys?
>Naturally, we are by pointing out the dangers of listening to the dietary
>misinformation put out by deceitful and hostile zealots like NFL.

i apologize for my above question. it was just a knee-jerk response,
likely result from my raw vegan indoctrination.

>>i would be glad to hear anyone's comments about the reason to talk so
>>lenghty about this (for me) non-issue.
>I think a search in the archives will satisfy your curiosity.

lastly, i could say that what really motivated me to write this post
that i just plain dislike giving a lot of time and energy to talk
negativity in any form. that is what really bothered me. but that's
just me.
