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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Patricia Hittner <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 07:32:34 EST
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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This appeared on one of my vaccine-injury lists.


>[log in to unmask] wrote:

>> Dear Parents,
>> Below is a flyer from a family who is fighting for the life of their son.
>> The reason we are passing this on to you is because we were faced with
>> exactly the same situation.  Our two year old son, Alexander was diagnosed
>> with brain cancer after receiving 16 vaccinations.  After two surgeries to
>> remove the tumor, Alexander was temporarily cancer-free but we were warned
>> that malignant brain cancer always returns.  Therefore, we searched for
>> best cancer therapy for children with brain cancers and found it in the
>> Burzynski Clinic in Houston, Texas.  Burzynski has an almost twenty-year
>> track record of controlling and curing brain cancer.  We took Alexander to
>> the clinic but were told that our son could not be accepted as a patient
>> because his tumor had been removed.  This absurd restriction was placed by
>> the FDA.  We believe that the reason they do this is because Burzynski
>> threatens the drug company's multi-billion dollar cancer empire.
>> therapy is non-toxic and more effective then the poisons used by orthodox
>> medicine.  If cancer victims had a choice they would go to Burzynski
>> of filling their bodies with toxic chemotherapy or radiation.  This would
>> result in lost revenues for the drug companies.  The FDA's strategy,
>> therefore, is to curtail the patients whom Burzynski can treat.
>> With no other therapy options left for Alexander (and after being
>> with court orders), we agreed to let the oncologists fill our son's body
>> chemotherapy because we were not aware  that chemo was utterly ineffective
>> children's brain cancer.  Alexander died in my arms within 4 months.  His
>> last words were "I love you, mommy."  He was only 2 1/2 years old.
>> Now, another child and family is faced with the identical situation.
>> Four-year old Thomas Navarro from has medulloblastoma - the same cancer
>> Alexander had.  The FDA is saying no to them because Thomas also had his
>> tumor surgically removed.  The FDA is also telling the family that in
>> to get into the Burzynski Clinic the tumor must come back and chemo and
>> radiation must be used - after all of that Thomas can get this non-toxic
>> therapy.  Well, the fact is that once the tumor grows back and chemo and
>> radiation is used the child dies.  Nothing will save that child.  Not even
>> Burzynski's therapy.  Of course, the FDA knows this.  (This will result in
>> Burzynski's cure rate plummeting - a fact that serves the agenda of the
>> and its pharmaceutical masters.)
>> Burzynski is an MD, PhD who spent years studying cancer at Baylor
>>  He does not have a "magic bullet" but he does have something that offers
>> children with brain cancer a much greater chance at survival with a good
>> quality of life.  (To see children with brain cancer who are on his
>> and are doing well see
>> Thomas probably has a few months left to live if he does not get this
>> therapy.  With the treatment he has a good chance of growing up.  It's too
>> late for our son, Alexander Horwin, but not four-year old Thomas Navarro.
>> Below is the text from the flyer the family is passing out.  They are
>> originally from Tucson, AZ but they have been staying in Houston Texas for
>> five weeks (down the street from the Burzynski Clinic) waiting for the FDA
>> give permission to get Thomas treated.   So far the answer from the FDA is
>> "no ."  Please help them with a phone call, fax or e-mail.  Please also
>> free to circulate this e-mail as widely as you can to other lists,
>> etc..  The only way the FDA will change its mind is if it feels pressure
>> the people.  So let's make them feel some pressure!
>> Thank you very much for your help.
>> Raphaele and Mike Horwin
>> Our four-year old son Thomas Navarro has brain cancer.  Fortunately, there
>> a treatment that could save his life. However, a governmental bureaucrat
>> not letting a Medical Doctor give Thomas this potentially life-saving
>> therapy.  Time is running out.
>> Please help Thomas by calling, faxing or writing this bureaucrat - Richard
>> Pazdur or his bosses at the FDA.  Only they can allow our child to get the
>> life-saving treatment he desperately needs.  Please help Thomas live.  To
>> other children with brain cancer that have had the life-saving treatment
>> Pazdur is denying Thomas see:
>> Thank you and God Bless,
>> Donna and Jim Navarro
>> Our phone number: 713-464-2677 (ext.6144)
>> A phone call, fax, e-mail to Pazdur or his bosses can help save Thomas'
>>  Thomas is only four years old.  Please send your message today because
>> is running out.  Thank you for your kindness.  Phone, fax or e-mail:
>> Richard Pazdur
>> Phone   301-594-2473
>> Fax         301-594-0493
>> Jane E. Henney
>> FDA Commissioner
>> Phone   301-827-2410
>> E-Mail  [log in to unmask]
>> Donna Shalala
>> Secretary Department of Health
>> and Human Services
>> Fax      202-690-7595
>Karin Schumacher
>Vaccine Information & Awareness (VIA)
>619-484-3197 (phone/voicemail)
>619-484-1187 (fax)
>[log in to unmask] (email)
> (NVIC website)
> (VIA website)
>We Must Have The Freedom To Choose & Respect Everyone's Choice