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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Ben Balzer <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 5 Jul 1999 09:18:05 +1000
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (75 lines)
I don't think it's heresy. I think there are many paleolithic diets. There
is no one average paleolithic diet just as there is no one average American
Australian or Mexican diet. I've lost 20 pounds in 14 weeks on a plaeodiet
that is low in fat. I felt unwell a first and increased my carbohydrate
intake with bananas and felt better immediately. I've also made a point of
increasing root vegetable intake which all studied hunter-gatherer societies
seem to get into. The  weight falls off, but my muscle bulk is increasing
with a 1000 metre swim each 2 weeks (all I can fit in). Anyhow, to be really
paleo your meat needs to be organic grass fed (4% fat) not grain-fed (20%
fat) so eating fat ain't really paleo in those amounts, in my humble opinion
( and a true paelo diet is therefore low in fat). I find it easier to eat
fish which isn't force fed obviously- maybe this is why all my aches and
pains disappeared in the first 2 weeks.

Ben Balzer

I've been on a Paleodiet for
----- Original Message -----
From: Kathleen S. Moroney <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, 5 July 1999 2:09
Subject: [P-F] Paleo Weight Loss Query

> Lynett Banion wrote:
> "I've lost 27 pounds since mid-February.  I have about 27 more that I
> want to lose.  I have felt much *less* hungry and have more energy since
> I started paleo, so I don't think of it as a "diet" I'm going to go off of
> when
> I reach my weight goal.  This is a lifetime WOE for me.
> Lynnet"
> My husband and I have been low-carb (Atkins) & trending to Paleo since
> with a few lapses. We are middle-aged office workers.
> He seems to tolerate mild ketosis well (because of his Blood type O
> but I suffer after 3-4 days with deep cracks at the sides of mouth and
> leg cramps (I'm a very rare variant of AB neg). My skin also got very dry
> until I added olive oil to my regimen. I also added more calcium in
> the hydroyapatit
> e form, and B vitamins. Both help some, but the mouth cracking
> is somewhat painful and actually disfiguring. I've developed deep grooves
> the outer edges of the lower lips - not flattering.
> We both want very much to lose weight, but have stalled after losing only
> 8 pounds each. He refuses most vegetables now because he wants to try to
stay in mild
> ketosis so he's not so hungry all the time. We still both simply eat too
> calories for our sedentary needs. The great news is that his triglycerides
> and cholesterol have dropped to normal ranges, even on our high-fat diet.
> he wants to lose weight (and I want him feeling more mellow!).
> We need some detailed input on what others like us actually eat every day
> achieve health and weight loss. I think that I might actually do better on
> a diet with some yogurt, some beans and grains, and much less meat and
meat fat.
> I simply don't know! I am quite hypogl
> ycemic, and certainly need lots of protein.
> I know that this is "heresy," but I feel much better (more even blood
> when I eat cheese!
> Thanks to everyone for the blessing of all your sharing of knowledge. This
> is really valuable.
> Kathleen M.