Paleolithic Eating Support List


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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
ardeith l carter <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 16 Mar 2000 11:54:30 -0500
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (68 lines)
On Wed, 15 Mar 2000 12:46:55 EST Jody Bessner <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> I have been consuming as many or more calories on a paleo diet than
> before, and I have lost weight!  True, i didn't have much to lose (15
> so that may be part of it.  Anyone have a possible explanation?

Ardeith writes:
Maybe it has something to do with what sort of calories you
are consuming?  Seems to me your body would use thirty
calories from celery differently than it would use thirty
calories from sugar............Maybe? or is a calorie a calorie
no matter where it comes from?

I read somewhere that you have a sort of "set-point" in your
brain that clicks over to "Full" after you have done a certain
amount of chewing.   If you are eating bread, pasta, rice,
potatoes, etc, you will consume more total food before that
"set-point" is reached because such foods don't require
much chewing.   On the other hand, if you are eating nuts,
celery, cukes, other salad stuff, meat, greens, other veggies have to do much more chewing and reach the "set-
point" before you can consume as many calories as you
would if you had been eating pasta..............I know that
after I have munched my way through a couple of cups
of salad, I don't have the desire for much more......I've
been combining the Heller's Carbohydrate Addicts
plan with Audette's Paleo ideas, and have completely
cut all grain products from my life.  And, Oh, how I
do miss Oatmeal!    But I am finding that eating even
a single slice of bread throws me into a lethargic state....
my bones even feel as though they were filled with
lead.   So I definitely react to wheat poorly.  Eating
rice or potatoes does not produce such an extreme
reaction, but I rarely want them.   I'm not sure whether
it is the wheat in the bread or possibly the yeast......
but yesterday I grabbed a package of hotdogs from
the freezer and threw them in the "nuker" and my
dad and I had them for lunch.   For the first time in
three weeks, I experienced the leaden feeling and
the extreme need for a nap.   Later I fished the
package out of the trash and read the ingredients....
turkey meat, corn starch, glucose.....and a bunch
of preservatives.........I don't react badly to roast I don't think it was the turkey in the
hotdogs......I think it was the other stuff....either
the corn products or the sugar.

I quit drinking milk, tho' I'm using butter and
sour cream....and a little cheese........and I've
noticed I'm having less nasal stuffiness......
I wonder if the whole cows' milk has anything
to do with that.......anyone know?

And I love the taste of roasted sesame seed
oil on salads.......but have no information about
such oil......can't be truly "Paleo".....but then I'm
not trying to be a purist.....just trying to be kinder
to my body..........

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