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Development of Adaptive Hardware & Software for the Blind/VI


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BLIND-DEV: Development of Adaptive Hardware & Software for the Blind/VI" <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 25 Sep 1998 11:38:09 -0400
text/plain (35 lines)
                   ADULTS DISABLED AS ADULTS

- Have you made a statement that was based on a predisability
life experience and had someone underestimate its validity
because they can't get past their view of your current physical

- Do you feel that your disability has given you an insight into
how people interact with you now?

- Do you feel that your value as a human being must be selling at
a radical discount relative to its true price?

- Have you experienced an odd lowering of expectations vs. what
you know you can achieve (relative to past performance) through
being an active participant in life?

- Do some people all-too-constantly condescend to you without any
apparent reason?

- Have you noticed that people tend to disregard you more often
since you've become disabled?

- Are there days when you're just sick of dealing with all the
misperception of the abled world?

- Do you ever feel like Don Quixote, because although some days
you can't even get out of bed, you drag yourself awaketo face
another day?

- Would you like to try meeting and interacting with other adults
living with similar experiences on:
