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Paul Reynolds <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 15 Jun 1999 20:26:46 -0400
text/plain (72 lines)
Hi Axel,

I don't have any more of a clue than you what to make of your junk
experiences. In any case, this post will be a good opportunity for me
come out and admit I have not been following all the rules of my
Diet - the sad fact is I haven't had a soda or twinkie for 4 years or

BTW, if you are still cheating on my diet, maybe you could start
too if you are not already to enhance the benefits and give you
to go totally junk (another possible addition to the total lifestyle
adjustment to go with my Miracle Diet - available only by ordering my
upcoming book; mucho $$$ but worth every penny). Also, please pay up
on  the $3000 you owe me in phone consults!

Seriously, I do remember getting into trouble a couple of years back
through eating a lot of nutrition bars, which are like candy bars -
they  caused constipation and a yeast flare-up. That was a motivation
to be almost rigidly strict about avoiding all processed foods, and
that, although nothing more than a personal choice, has, along with
not eating cooked greens, been very helpful. What this has to do with
you I'm not sure because the equation for me is different  - I do eat
2 - 3 animal protein servings daily (some raw, some cooked).

Right now I'm eating 1/2 of a fairly well-cooked cornish game hen - it
tastes good and should not provoke any symptoms unlike cooked greens.
Yet, unquestionably even though I love fruit and it is nice not to
have Candida anymore, more than a little at a time does make me tired
from I assume blood sugar imbalance. So, at least at this time, I have
to make a conscious effort to reduce fruit intake to feel my best. The
easiest way to do it is to eat lots of meat or fish, but that causes
congestion even if the meat is raw. Plus, although the yeast problem
is better I do have a bacterial imbalance in the colon - by-products
from lots of smelly sulfur-reducing microbes when I do internal
cleansing, largely due to the after-effects of mercury poisoning, are
evident. Meat, whether raw or cooked, putrefies quickly and tends to
work against clearing that up. On raw-vegan the stools, unless I'm
eliminating old material, become clean and odor-free. The positive
trade-off in eating animal foods is the good protein and balanced
blood sugar.

It actually would be interesting to see what happens if I ate a few
slices of pizza, but it is not something I have a desire to do. Even
in the 'old days' I knew that melted cheese just generally made me
feel lousy.

I did find fascinating reading a book describing the experience of
two people who overcame environmental illness, and one of the things
they did was let go of their obsession with strict diets and so forth,
to the point when they were writing their book and, consumed by the
energy of putting tothether their work and too busy to prepare meals,
they just lived on pizza and take-out for 3 months.

Their story of recovery is quite a counter point to those under the
spell of Aajonus tales, and nothing to do with raw foods (their diet
experiences, mostly negative, had to do with strict rotation diets
and macrobiotics - I find it surprising they never ran into a raw-food
guru during their travails). I saw Sampson and Hughes a couple of
years ago and these two people who were very sick are now quite well,
although my sense was that they both did seem to be lacking in some
vitality, at least a physical level.

The book is 'Breaking Out Of Environmental Illness'  - Robert Sampson
and Patricia Hughes (available at Amazon).
