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Ingrid Bauer <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 21 May 1999 02:03:00 -0700
text/plain (74 lines)
>Hi everybody,
>Jean-Louis Tu:
>>1. (Sweet) fruit was not necessarily available all year long.
>>Fruits ripen only seasonally. In today's world, when none
>>of the local fruits are in season, one can import fruits from
>>Asia, Africa, from the Southern hemisphere... One can
>>cultivate fruits that originate from other continents.
>I'm very interested in the subject of seasonality.  Has
>anybody here experimented with only eating foods in
>season?  Fruits, nuts and vegetables are obvious examples,
>but also things such as blossoms, grains & eggs? Maybe
>even meat from migrating fish, birds, & beasts, or hibernating
>animals?  If so, what were your experiences?  Do you think
>our bodies are adapted in such a way to find these foods
>more beneficial at certain times of year than at others?
>All this speculation may be all wet if we are mainly adapted
>to the tropics, where, (I'm guessing) the seasons are not so
>pronounced and things are generally more available all year.

I did the experience of eating only what i was harvesting for 6 months
years in a row when i was in my self sufficient drive (after i changed
mind about bioregionality and open myself to receive the gift of other
I can't stop myself to incitate others to emphasise on the intimate
relationship that one can get with one environment thru the seasonal
gathering,  i loved it and still continue to deepen it
It is hard to transmet to somebody who didn't get the experience . Try
(to gather yourself your food as much as you can) it is a long process
learning but it is worth the effort
Since i did it i am not content with  organic store bought food ,
there is
something essential for me missing in that relationship. Knowing the
of plants and animals is nourishing in itself, eating for me is
intimaly connected with my food source , my environment.
This ever changing fluctuating communication is fascinating to me (
now is
time of honeysuckle blossoms, soon will be salmon coming back and
salmon berries hmmm!)

my son (past 2 years old ) is lucky he already got a knowledge of
names and tastes far greater than his mother. the other day he was
showing a
newly discovered plant to his mother and was asking in French :< What
is it
? > when she answered <it is a plant> he said <Hummm, you don't
know.!> he
learned the name earlier the same day and wanted his memory refreshed
confirmed. So he asked me again and now he know that it is a digitalis
There is seasons in the tropics and most of the fruits have their time
it is true that some foods are avalable year round (avocados bananas,
papaya, coconuts...)  in temperate climate,  there is well marked
but some food are avalable year round  too ( shelfish, mamals ,
and few other greens here in the west coast of canada) where there is
it is more limited.for sure.
wish you lot of discovery