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Tue, 14 Nov 2000 09:43:29 -0500
Gary Orlando <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (89 lines)
you'll see that I apologized for my harsh post earlier, but I stand
by my statements.

>I assume then, you believe kids should not be breast fed?

you would be incorrect in that assumption.

>If you think kids should not eat anything but vegan, which is what it
>sounds like, then you would feed them no breast milk from their biological
>mother either.

vegan does not mean denying mothers milk.
If you can provide documentation stating that this is the position
by any vegan society, then I will modify my position.

>Humans and other mammals all breast feed their children if they are able.
>One of the reasons is for the calcium in the dairy.  To think that a mammal
>does not need this is unreasonable and goes against any logic.

see above
In addition, diet is not a matter of particular nutrients, but eating
those foods to which we are best biologically adapted in the raw
The nutrients follow accordingly.  the exception is b12.

>One thing I know also is that many people from Asia immigrate to occidental
>countries where foods higher in calcium are available.  Their children are
>usually much taller then anyone in their known genetic ancestry and the
>logical explanation is because the calcium in the diet allows for growth
>and strength in bones not possible in Asia. While not only from dairy, if
>kids have some dairy it is a fact that its calcium will aid in bones and
>teeth development.

excessive protein would cause excessive growth, as would calcium I
Or, perhaps the decrease in grains is a factor.  Had you considered

There is sufficient calcium in fruits and vegetables, without the
aspects associated with dairy.

Raw goats milk would not be too bad, but usually unnecessary.
Certainly any pasteurized milk is not health promoting in my opinion.

In addition, is bigger better?

>The truth is that nearly every type of diet carries some downside risk.

I don't think that a being eating foods raw in their natural
would carry a downside risk.

I'm sure that you know quite a bit about diet and am happy for your
However, your statements go against accepted logic, by persons in
fields.  Unless you provide some logic or evidence of such, I have to
that they do not have merit.  What I am speaking of is statements such
children need meat or children need dairy etc.

>And I can tell you from that practical experience, which is often more
>important than something one reads in a book, that I know that many people
>cannot stay healthy and well and be at optimum health on a strictly vegan
>diet for years at a time.

Perhaps you are not aware that there are many, many ways of being
most of which result in un-health (so I agree with you ), but not all.
Since most veggies eat beans and grains, which are not natural human
foods, the conclusion that is drawn is that vegetarian diet does not
work.  This would not be a good conclusion to draw, since there are
more optimal ways of being vegetarian.

>From my view the real issue is there are many folks who are new to raw
>foods and go to some extremes and injure their bodies or damage their
>health.  I would hate to see someone damage his or her health because of a
>taking a non-negotiable position about food.

Agreed - all general categories of diets can be done in a manner that
is incorrect or that leads to ill-health.
Of course, more people are damaging their health who
eat the standard diet, not the ones that are undergoing modification.
