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Tue, 15 Jun 1999 06:36:17 -0700
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Hi Axel :)

I think your post was *very* appropriate for this list.  The sharing
of such experiences is one of the things that lists like this are
best for.

Axel Makaroff wrote, in part:

> ...i have candida overgrowth in my intestine (according to Dr.
> Gabriel cousens)...another bizarre thing is that the foods that
> make me feel the worst sugar-wise are... you guessed it: FRUITS!!
> i have waay worse  hypoglicemia when i eat ANY FRUIT than when i
> eat chocolate or anything with white sugar...

Since things aren't making sense to you, I suggest (though I know it
isn't easy) that you start questioning more of your assumptions.  It
looks as though you are questioning the raw vegan gospel, and that's
good, but perhaps you should question some other things, like your
diagnosis from Dr. Cousens and your reaction to fruit.  Dr. Cousens
makes mistakes.  We all do.  Perhaps a second or third opinion would
be good here.  As for your hypoglycemia, are you sure that is what
you are experiencing?  Are you taking blood sugar readings, or are
you just going by symptoms?

> i said this here before: i am not attracted to raw meat of any kind.
> and i trust my body. i could be too brainwashed and out of touch
> though, and not recognize my need for it. but i think tomorrow i
> will get myself some good organic cheese and give it a try.

As I have said before on this list, I think there is a limit to the
old familiar "wisdom of the body" concept.  Yes, it is good to listen
to what your body tells you in terms of what causes you to improve or
to get worse, but I don't believe that a lack of attraction always
means a lack of need, especially when your body is out of whack.  Out
and out revulsion is probably a signal to heed, but I didn't get the
impression that you were experiencing that.  "Brainwashing" may be a
stronger word than some people like to see, but it isn't half bad for
describing the way we're conditioned about certain things.

As for cheese, I find that it doesn't agree with me nearly as well
as meat, even organic cheese from raw milk.  The raw milk itself I
have no trouble with, but I do have a history of allergies to molds
and similar beasties, so it may be the presence of that sort of
thing in cheese that is my trouble with it.  With your history, it
might be something for you to watch out for.

Best of luck!
