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Sat, 12 Jun 1999 06:42:36 -0700
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Jo Yoshida wrote:
> (Rex asked for clarification)
> But let's keep this simple and go back to my original question: do you,
> Jo, consider Wolfe & Co. as out-and-out plagiarists?
> (Jo clarifies)
> YES. I've read Raw Food Eating several years ago and, no, I don't have a
> copy of Nature's First Law. So I base my assessment on the comparisons
> available in the Raw Food Support List archives. To Your Humble Narrator,
> the plagiarism is very blatant. Personally, I'm baffled as to how anyone
> cannot see it (I guess it's a choice). And intrigued when people decline
> to look at the documentation.

I have copies of both books, and it is very clear that Nature's First
Law is pure plagiarism.  I wish more copies of Raw-Eating were avail-
able so that more people could see for themselves.  What Wolfe and
his buddies did is inexcusable (though not unforgivable) no matter
how old and obscure the plagiarized material.

Does anyone know what ever became of Hovannessian?  (If the answer to
that question can be found in the archives, I apologize, but I've
tried to check and can't get through.)
