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Mon, 17 May 1999 11:50:25 -0700
"Thomas E. Billings" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (62 lines)
Mark Hovila <[log in to unmask]>
>I haven't read David Wolfe's books and I don't condone plagiarism, but I
>have been curious about his recent book because of some of the endorsements
>from people I respect, like Gabriel Cousens and Viktoras Kulvinskas.

I too am surprised by the endorsements from those two. He also has an
endorsement from the Essene minister. I find it hard to comprehend why
a minister of any religion would endorse a book when the author is
a plagiarist AND continues to sell a plagiarized book. Plagiarism is a
of theft, and it is condemned by all legitimate religions. Some folks
will bring up forgiveness here -- that is irrelevant as long as the
plagiarized book is still on sale.

I used to respect Cousens and Kulvinskas, but my opinion of them has
decreased significantly as a result of their endorsement of the
new book.

Side note: I suppose it is possible the folks above don't know about
plagiarism, and are being duped. Doesn't seem likely to me, though,
as the raw community is small and news travels fast.

Mark Hovila <[log in to unmask]>
>As far as being thrown off of lists for "chronic hostility," I have seen
>plenty of that on e-mail lists, and I don't give a lot of weight to those
>kinds of subjective judgments.  E-mail is a very convenient way to

I simply once again invite others to visit the list archives and
decide for themselves. I suspect most readers will share my view that
the NFL dialogue was negative and hostile.

Mark Hovila <[log in to unmask]>
>But even if posts are clearly hostile, there is seldom any need to throw
>somebody off a list.   If we would all just try to respond to each others'
>facts or ideas and not respond to or initiate personal attacks, then there
>would be no need to throw anyone off a list, because any hostile attacks
>that do take place would die out for lack of anybody to fight with.

Unfortunately my personal experience does not agree with what you
One can debunk the nonsense of the extremists, and all they do is
it and keep repeating the party line ad nauseum. Have you heard the
nostrum "never argue with a crazy person"? One might as well say,
"never argue with a raw foods extremist/fanatic". If allowed to stay,
the toxic extremists wear everyone out, with the result that the only
heard are the extremists. Dissent, challenges would get shouted down
by incredibly hateful fanatics. The end result is that rational
thought loses, and only irrational nonsense is heard. Kicking the
fanatics out allows civil discussion. Besides, there is (now) at least
e-mail (raw) forum that is owned by fanatics -- so they have their own
forums anyway.

Tom Billings