<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
Thank you for the numerous suggestions for treatments for my mothers leg
cramps. As one suggested the problem, in her case in part at present,
appears to be from fluid retention.
In totality, your suggestions totalled about nine pages. In brief, you
Mineral Supplementation:
Calcium - recommending 1500-3000 mg daily, possibly split into a.m. and
p.m. doses
Magnesium - one suggested time release tablets/capsules, another
suggested a phosphorous free preparation such as Superabsorbeze by
Nature's Life
Boron - Tri-Boron by Twinlabs has calcium, magnesium, Vitamin D, and
Vitamin supplements:
B complex
Vitamin E
Vitamin D - with some (about 20 minutes) sun exposure for to
activate its use by the body
Dietary suggestions:
For potassium: lima beans, potatoes, orange juice, bananas, kiwi
For calcuim: milk, cheese
64 oz. water daily
Quinine or tonic water
Morton Lite Salt (1/4 tsp. under tongue to dissolve, repeat for severe
To alleviate cramping episodes:
Accupressure: Bite lower lip and push a finger above upper lip below nose
Shoes in good condition
One suggested sleeping with knees bent, while another suggested
legs must be extended
Stretching exercises
One relayed her doctor's recommendation of Benadryl, an over the counter
(OTC) allergy medication