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Amadeus Schmidt <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 17 Sep 1999 11:06:51 +0200
text/plain (58 lines)
Todd Moody wrote:
>On Wed, 15 Sep 1999, Amadeus Schmidt wrote:
>> You mention 35g protein after which  the conversion rate goes up.
>> I guess that's per meal and not per day.
>> For how many meals would that work? 2 or 5?

>As I understand it, this is per meal, with an allowance of about
>4 hours to complete the hormonal response to it.  That is, the
>insulin surge begins soon after the food is ingested and (should)
>return to baseline within 2-2.5 hours.  The glucagon surge begins
>and ends later.  Both should be at baseline after 4 hours.  If
>the quantities of food are larger, it takes longer, however.
>But if you stick to the 35g maximum per meal, it should be
>possible to consume 5 such meals in a 16-hour day.

What you describe are the insulin/glucagon level timings,
the body trying to keep blood sugar at an equal level.
But that concerns obviously only the response to the part of
protein  which is actually converted to sugar.
Still it isn't clear how long it takes until the
useable amino acids from the first 35g of one meal are used up.
Hm probably there are other hormonal signals that could be measured
to decide this. Protein synthesis signals for example.

In annother message you posted that protein synthesis
was triggered by glucagon presence (absence of dietary glucose).
Could you clarify your source, please?
I've read that glucuse availability triggered amino acid synthesis.

>> ..The size of this amino acid storage in an average human (70kg)
>> is 55g of amino acids.
>This is a function of blood volume, correct?  It is my
>understanding that amino acids are not actually "stored" but
>circulate in the blood.
>..The blood can only hold so many aminos;
>the rest must be burned for fuel or stored.
Yes, the amount circulating in the blood is, what i counted as
the (short term) "storage".
There is a long term "storage" too of course, the complete proteins
of the body for example from muscles, intestine cells.
I haven't heard yet, that the body would build up muscle cells
just to store the proteins.
Though that would be the dream for body builders :-))
Hm he seems to store those excess proteins downgraded to the
form of glycogen or fat. To bad.

Evolutionary seen this would give a hint, that times of energy
scarcity would be more frequent than times ofprotein shortage.
This may point to protein rich foods in the past (meat).
On the other hand most (natural state) foods i know, have more than
100% RDA protein supply if intake is at mere 2000-3000 kcalories.


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