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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 16 Feb 1999 08:42:37 -0800
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>Then perhaps they will recognise you for the pioneer in autism
>treatment that you are!

Thanks, Ray, I am still hopeful my sister in law will look more into the
paleo diet, I mentioned she has heart problems including high blood
pressure, a near heart attack, vertigo, etc and is the nicest person in the
whole world. I want to try and help her even if my help is not always
understood. I just know she could get rid of all the complaints. The drs
have her on the typical "lo fat" diet, what a travesty. My brother is also
on a super lo fat diet with dizziness and vertigo.

Larry had a great day yesterday. He seems to like the buffalo  bone marrow.
I put a little salt on it and just barely cook it. It is very cheap and I
get it  from the Durham meat company. I took him off nystatin and put him on
raw garlic and so far that was a postive move.

He loves venison and elk  jerky. Does anyone know how to secure a steady
supply of venison? His food bills are absolutely breaking me, quail eggs,
ground buffalo and shrimp are his favorite foods, they are very  expensive.
(He is allergic to beef and burned out on pork!)

 Now I have found he LOVES venison jerky in olive oil and I just can't get
enough of the venison to keep it up. If anyone knows of hunters, who don't
need all the venison in their freezers,  in the SF Bay Area or Monterey Bay
area, please let me know!

Could you make jerky out of the wild boar meat??

Will he ever totally recover, on the paleo diet? Perhaps not, but he has
come such  a long way. (Recall that at 3 he was destined by the County for
the "vegetable" class!!)

Without the  paleo diet, he would be sitting in a corner in  a trance now
and completely ready for institutionalization.

He has received all 100% on his spelling tests --- even including the bonus
words.  The teacher last week told me he was probably one  of two kids in
the whole class  who got all the words right.

Before I went totally lo carb, that is, keto paleo, he was still very foggy.
Going all meat and all fat has cleared the mind enormously. What this diet
would do for ADD and ADHD, I think, would cure most cases of it, I am convinced.

He still talks to himself, repeats some things to himself, but that would be
the main symptom. Also, he is fairly comfortable one on one with a person he
likes, but does not like more than one person with him. It seems like he
can't compete socially  yet when there is more than one person around. Also,
can't do extended conversations and hates to talk in the car, things like that.

Anyway, I totally urge anyone with an ADD or ADHD child to buy Ray's book
and then go one step further, go virtually no carb, but lots of fat. This
should help any so called autistic child who is autistic as the result of
MMR damage---as so many of them are.
