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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 29 Apr 1999 18:16:26 +1000
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Continued from part 1...

I had a CDSA test done (Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis).  This
showed that I had a candida overgrowth condition. It said that I didn't
have parasites.  It also said:

1. In Absorption it said that total short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) were
elevated and explained that "SCFAs are the end products of microbial
fermentation of undigested carbohydrates and fiber.

Does anyone understand in plain English what this means??

2.  Under "Metabolic"  it said that my Stool pH was low.  It went on to say
that "an acid fecal pH may also result from pancreatic insufficiency or
rapid transit time".

3.  Under Microbiology it said that I had sufficient amounts of
Bifidobacteria and E.coli friendly bacteria but that Lactobacilli was BELOW
optimal levels.  "imbalanced flora can occur as a result of a parasite or
bacterial infection, yeast overgrowth, or poor nutrition and maldigestion".
- in my case candida.

Having been familiar with Ward Nicholson's experience by belonging to the
Raw Food discussion boards, I was interested in learning more from people
who included meat and animal products in their diet.  This lead to an
exploration of instincto, Aajonus Vonderplanitz and the Paleo diet.

Initially I liked the idea of being able to stay on a Raw food diet and eat
raw animal products.  I experimented.  Ate some raw chicken which I liked
quite a bit, but I didn't really like the taste and texture of red meat.
So very soon I abandoned my experiment with raw meat and started to cook
it.  I really enjoy the taste of cook read meat much better than raw.  I
eat my chicken cooked now too mainly because of the gooiness/messiness of
the raw version.

I experimented first with an Atkins type diet - influenced by Aajonus' diet
of lots of raw dairy.  But it is not possible to get raw dairy products in
Australia - except for raw goats milk.  I eventually decided to give up the
dairy altogether when I was easily gaining weight and getting more mucus.

So now I eat Paleo.  After my experience of being raw food fruitarian I
like a lot of people on this list am very sensitive to carbohydrates.  I
know I have suffered from hyperinsulism - easy weight gain, blood sugar
fluctuations, mood swings, headaches etc.  I can now only have 1/2 to 1
piece of fruit a day.  If I eat more I am prone to put on weight easily and
notice I am more prone to headaches and moodiness.

I am so thrilled that my food cravings have more or less ended since eating
lots of meat and fat.  I now believe that compulsive overeating originates
from a biochemical imbalance in the body - too much carbohydrate and not
enough protein/fat, and is not because of lack of willpower.  I know what
it is like to be a compulsive overeater but I have not needed any willpower
on this diet.  I feel satisfied with much much less food.  Fruit tastes too
sweet for me by itself and to avoid the blood sugar surges I take Aajonus'
advice and eat my fruit with fat (avocado and linseed oil)

These days on Paleo - Typical days eating:


Egg flip - 1/2 banana or small slice of papaya
              1 small avocado
               2 raw eggs
           large dash of linseed oil
          bit of water
blended in the blender and eaten with a spoon - yum

Mid morning - 1 beef mince pattie.


Omlete - 3 eggs
          grated zuccini
          1 bacon rash or bit of chopped up meat
           cooked with generous amount of olive oil

Lunch:     Some decent amount of meat (beef/lamb) - occasionally pork (bit
too rich a flavour for me)
               whole chicken leg
               small steak or chops
               piece of fish

either  salad with olive oil
          or steamed veggies (with olive oil at the end)

Dinner:  Same as lunch but maybe a slightly larger serving of meat.
        I eat whatever fat comes with the meat.

Snacks - raw unsalted almonds and peacans.

I am enjoying the effects of this diet a lot.  I feel much more stable
emotionally.  I rarely get any headaches.  I love not being infatuated with
food all the time.  I can go much longer without thinking about food.  I am
still finding it hard to lose weight though.  I am now 125 lbs.  But I am
not worrying too much about being a bit overweight - ideally I need to lose
about 20 lbs.  I figure it is good to feel healthy and not deprived.  I
will soon start to do regular exercise and that should make a difference.

I would like to experiment with pemmican.  I need a food hydrator for that
don't I?

I hope this message meant something to some of you.