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Ingrid Bauer <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 11 Apr 1999 00:46:18 -0700
text/plain (82 lines)
From: Lynton Blair

>>I wouldn't rule out mercury poisoning to explain the above: it has a
>>massive effect on enzymes, which affects all of the body's functions. SInce the
>>body will try to 'lock up' toxins in fat, this could explain your craving for
>>fats? The scaly redness of the face - I have seen this on Dr Hal Huggins,
>>who got severe mercury poisoning from drilling out so many amalgum fillings.
>>If it is mercury, and if it is being stored in the fat, then be aware that
>>sometime in the future it will be again released into the blood stream (eg
>>if you go on a diet or something).
>>I hope this doesn't alarm you, there are things you can do to excrete
>>mercury, if that is what it is.

Thank you Lynton
I am not alarmed, i am pretty sure that i stored for years mercury in my
body , and because i never had a metabolism prone to make fat (despite
eating huge amount of food), i am afraid to had it stored in more vitals
tissues like my adrenals or thyroid glands( i read somewhere that
mercury can replace the iodine ion in thyroxine molecule).If it is the
case i can understand that my immune system waking up from its state of
tolerance got overzealous in destroying the cells with the mercury
inprint in them (i have a autoimmune disease which destroyed both
adrenals and thyroid gland)
Now, when i removed the mercury fillings( last time i wrote feelings
...interesting!).the poisonning stopping i entered a process of
elimination of the metal. ( red scaly patches on my face and chest). the
correlation was obvious to me and i am glad that what you said about
Dr huggins , is confirming that.
Because i don't know what happens metabolicaly with the excess of the
ingested fats ( could somebody give me information on that), i don't
know what you mean when you say <locking toxins in fats> (do you mean in
fats cells or mercury being bonded to circulating fatty acids to be
eliminated or stored or what?).
I am secreting fats thru my skin since i take this DHEA hormone who
changed my metabolism noticeably ( i am more able now to make little bit
of fat in a thin layer under neath my skin. That is new).Could it be
that i am excreting mercury thru my skin?

About "facilitating" the elimination of mercury i am very prudent with
any "desintoxifying agents". I believe in the wisdom of the body to
handle the situation smoothly and i am afraid to have been confirmed
that any tentative to "speed up "the process is in the long run slower
and more dificult . Thru the experience of eating instinctively i felt
how gentle deep and durable this process of desintoxification can be
when i listen to my instinctives blocks and attractions on certain
specifics foods. For example i have been blocked for years on papaya who
smelled like vomited milk to me, when i was ready to handle the
elimination they will trigger ( milks products) the appeal for them got
big and i devored them for a while.
An other exemple when i finished the removal of mercury in the last
quarter of my teeth, i got very attracted to swordfish and tuna for 1
week ( they are known to store mercury in their tissue...could had been
triggering an immune system response to eliminate my own mercury?) after
and before that i was bloked on them (or able to eat only tiny quantities).

On top of that, a friend of mine who got severly poisonned by mercury
(thru' grazing 'on fish) tried to get rid of his mercury for good thru
chelation therapy and felt not too good with the result . ( it could be
even dangerous to be forcefull)
i have the same kind of opinion on fasting or colonic cleansing and
alike they might do more damage than good) And if the result seem
positive it is often at an hidden price that reveal itself later on (
action - reaction phenomenon)

I prefer reasonning like that: if my body survived the poisonning til
now and i stop the source of the poisonning, it can only get better .
I prefer patience and forgiveness to trying to" buy back" my past
"guilty behavior ".( thru ethnic cleansing? just an analogie). It is
enough to recognise the mistake , to stop to reproduce it and to let the
correction do its job. ( do somebody understand what i am talking about?
if not never mind , i just have an issue with scape -goating )

I am not totally closed with any "facilitating" of elimination i just
need good arguments , do you have some?

Thank you