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Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>
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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 8 Feb 1999 19:53:49 -1000
text/plain (50 lines)
>> Secola  /\  Nieft [log in to unmask] wrote [regarding Pottenger's work]:
>I have read it several times (the first time with the usual eureka
>delight) and in each reading it seems more and more preposterous--so
>that now I am simply cautiously ambivilent about the work. Until the
>"study" is repeated with modern experimental rigor I am personally quite
>wary of basing a worldview on it. And if it _is_ repeated I would put
>much more stock in the research if it uses an degenerated omnivore like
>a pig instead of a cat--at least if we are going to generalize to
>humans, the ultimate degenerated omnivore. ;)

>It is mind-blowing to me that this research has not been attempted again
>in a hundred different experiments.  As Joseph Chilton Pearce has
>written 'The physicist would never ignore the quasar....'  Yet
>scientists ignore work with such incredible implications.  Why?  I'm
>sure the gigantic food processing industry, the current dairy industry,
>and any number of others would like to see the research buried, and
>certainly not reproduced.

Whether such "conspiracies" are intentional or simply an unintended
side-effect of an incredibly multi-leveled institutionalization (is that a
_word_? ;)), I suspect that few people, outside such fringe arenas as those
on this list, really give a dingdangdong whether cats do bad on cooked milk
and meat. They certainly do "good enough" on Purina Kitty Kibble--to the
point of overpopulation.

Raw foods, IMO, continue to be a black hole in science--but I doubt that
this is because there is some overt conspiracy. Lets put it this way: if
every headline tommorow was about the doubble-blind confirmation of the
ability of raw foods to eliminate disease, poverty, overpopulation, war and
human fraility overnight, you can be sure that more people would want to
get some broccoli sprout exctract, or whatever is supposed to do the trick
in supplement form, than would care to go all raw. Raw food preachers and
supplement sellers and book sellers simply go broke. Like it or not, human
culture has moved a bit beyond raw foods...junk foods are, as you mention,
a different story. :(

And, FWIW, physicists would likely ignore quasars right and left if there
wasn't a mainstream theory that predicted them. If, of course, the
astronomers weren't in on the conspiracy. ;)


Secola  /\  Nieft
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