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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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Martin William Smith <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Fri, 16 Jul 1999 13:36:37 +0200
text/plain (41 lines)
F. Leon Wilson writes:
> Then my question should be:
> Why limit the number of guns a person can own?

For public safety.  But I wouldn't place the emphasis on limiting the
number.  Rather, I would place the emphasis on strict requirements for
secure storage and inspection.  There should be some threshold number
of guns that determines when a person has an "armory".  He can own as
many guns above that number as he desires, but they must be stored in
an armory either managed by the military directly, or by a gun club or
private business that meets military standards and is subject to
military and/or police inspection.

I would go as far as to require that *all* handguns be stored in an
armory. If you have a permit to carry a handgun, then you *must* carry
that gun at all times when that gun is not in the armory.  I would
make the carrier of that gun liable for any and all injuries and
crimes committed with that gun, unless the gun was stolen directly
from the armory.  I mean, if you check your gun out from the armory
and someone takes it from you and commits a murder with it, then you
are guilty of involuntary manslaughter, regardless of whether the
actual criminal is caught.  If the gun was used to commit a robbery,
you pay for all damages.  The forensic data on your gun would
automatically be acquired and stored in multiple independent databases
when you purchase the gun.

Similar rules would apply to hunting rifles and target rifles, but the
requirement for storing them in an armory would only apply to the ones
above the threshold number.  I don't know what that number should be.
Two?  Three?  Collectors would have a special problem if they want to
keep many guns on display.  I would say thedisplay must be at the
armory.  My brother collects guns, but his are more for investment.
He doesn't display them.


Martin Smith                    Email: [log in to unmask]
P.O. Box 1034 Bekkajordet       Tel. : +47 330 35700
N-3194 HORTEN, Norway           Fax. : +47 330 35701