Ralph writes:
Let's not forget the ticking (or fogging) timebombs that are thermopane
while you're at it.
Owners and architects usually don't want them when I mention that expected
life before replacement can be as short as 8-12 years. Where they are
already in place and failing I think we should usually replace them with
single pane glazing, but we should preserve at least one of the failed units
in place as an example of the failure so the owners are not sold a bill of
goods in the future.
John Leeke, Preservation Consultant
publisher: Practical Restoration Reports
contributing editor: Old-House Journal
postal: 26 Higgins St., Portland, Maine, USA
phone & fax: 01 207 773-2306
email: [log in to unmask]
website: www.HistoricHomeWorks.com