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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Jo Yoshida <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 2 Apr 2002 13:11:43 -0700
Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Hi, thought this might be of interest to those who follow / have
followed natural hygiene.


Harvey Diamond's Fit for Life Solution
Issue # 1

The Magical Missing Link to Power Healing - Your Lymph System

Over the years 1 can hardly recall the number of times I have been
asked in one way or another, "What is the single most important thing
you have ever learned about acquiring and maintaining a high level of
good health?" The answer is no contest. Without question the answer
is, properly caring for your body's lymph system.

Having spent the last 32 of my 57 years studying the effect of a
clean lymph system on our health, I can tell you with absolute
certainty that taking the simple steps necessary to optimize the
efficiency of the lymph system is the missing link we have been
searching for in our quest for health.

Anyone seeking to improve his or her health, to overcome an existing
problem, to lose weight, to increase energy, to remove or prevent
pain, the fastest and easiest way to do it is to see to it that your
lymph system is cleaned out and functioning properly. Yet, in what
has to be the greatest irony--ever--most of the people reading this
right now cannot describe what their own body's lymph system is or
what it does- Can you? And mark my words, the failure to recognize
the immense role the lymph system plays in our well-being will go
down as the most colossal blunder--the most astonishing oversight--in
the history of the health sciences.

I'm sure you've heard one variation or another of the old adage, "'a
structure is only as strong as its foundation." If you build a house,
no matter how superior the building materials are, and no matter how
expertly those materials are assembled, if the foundation is weak,
the structure will crumble with the first big storm. Same with your
car. You can have the shiniest, most polished and best looking car on
the block, but if you fail to periodically change the oil, it will
break down on you right when you need it the most. And if you think
it's any different with your body, you are sorely mistaken.

Ever notice that all discussions like this always revolve around what
should or should not be put in to the body? Rarely, if ever, does the
discussion focus on what should come out.

Simply put, the human body is always generating wastes that are toxic
in nature and must be removed as swiftly and efficiently as possible
or health will be compromised. These toxins are generated from two
sources. First, every day hundreds of billions of cells in your body
die off and they are highly toxic. Secondly, toxins are built up from
the residue of the approximately 70 tons of food that is eaten in a
lifetime. There is a never-ending ebb and flow of toxins in your body
and problems will only arise--anything from pain to catastrophic
disease--when more of these toxins are produced than are eliminated.
Trying to build a healthy, fit body without regularly removing these
naturally occurring toxins is akin to trying to build a brick wall on

The incomparable intelligence that governs the human body is beyond
our comprehension. After all- it knows how to turn an apple into
blood, bone, teeth, skin, hair, organs--anything. Wow! All the
scientists on Earth combined can't do that. And it is that
unparalleled intelligence that directs the activities of the one
mechanism in your body whose sole job and function is to keep you
alive and well by removing toxins and wastes. That is why the lymph
system is commonly referred to as the "body's garbage collector."

The lymph system, which is the heart and soul of the immune system,
is an astounding network of fluid, nodes and nodules, organs, ducts,
glands and vessels, containing three times more fluid than the body
contains blood.

So, how do you do it? How do you clean and strengthen your lymph system?

It is simplicity personified. It's all done with dietetic
maneuvering. The digestion of food requires more energy than any
other activity of the body. It's why you feel so tired after a meal
and why there is the afternoon siesta allover the world. You need to
free up energy from the digestive process which is in turn diverted
to the lymph system to flush itself out. There are no pills, no
magical potions, no shots, no drugs and no purges. It's truly a
matter of allowing the body to do for itself what it is always
attempting to do as a matter of self preservation. You merely need to
learn how to get out of its way. Of utmost importance is the fact
that it is not a one time procedure. It would be absurd to think that
after changing the oil in your car, you never have to change it
again. No, you change the oil in your car a few times a year, and the
cleaning of your lymph system requires the same kind of maintenance.

My latest book, <http://www.dragondoor.com/b19.html>The Fit for Life
Solution, tells you everything you need to know about your lymph
system--what it is, how it works, what it does and how to properly
care for it. In a world all too frequently fueled by cynicism and
exploitation, I can understand you perhaps thinking, "Oh, this guy
just wants to sell more books."  If you knew me you would think
otherwise. Not that I don't want you to get my book, I do, I didn't
write it for it not to be read. But to try to put decades of research
and study into a few paragraphs here would not be fair to either the
information or to you.

Maybe this will help your decision: In 1966, as a young man in the
U.S. Armed Services, I was sent to Vietnam where I was exposed to
Agent Orange, a derivative of Dioxin, considered to be the most
deadly man-made toxin ever concocted. It causes, and I have, a
condition called Peripheral Neuropathy, which destroys the muscles of
the body, starting with the arms and legs. Five years after
deterioration starts, (which is 20 years after exposure), those with
Peripheral Neuropathy are either immobilized in a wheelchair or dead.
I am the lone exception. Not only have I passed the dreaded five year
mark, it is now going on 17 years since deterioration started.

Although I do have significant, lingering damage, in that I limp
noticeably, and have only limited use of my arms and hands, I am
alive and able to get around on my own without assistance. And all
things considered, I am in excellent health. The reason I have
survived to, live out my life when so many others were not so
fortunate, is because I was "lucky" enough to discover early on, the
extreme importance of cleaning and caring for my lymph system.
Properly caring for my lymph system saved my life--literally! And it
can assist you with any health challenge you may be facing--minor or

Also, without getting theological on you, I believe in a higher power
that governs our universe and out lives. Call it the Grand Creator,
Mother Nature, The Life Force or God, all work for me. As part of my
gratitude for being spared, I feel I have a duty and obligation to
share such life saving information with others. I have written the
book and made it available to one and all. Whether you or anyone else
takes advantage of it is in God's hands, not mine. Obviously I hope
you do because I know first hand how much it could help you and your
loved ones live a pain-free life dominated by health and well being.

One day people will look back in utter amazement that such a crucial
component of a healthy life was overlooked for so long. Don't wait
until then to make use of this life enhancing information. You will
be glad for the rest of your--healthy--life.

You can call 1-800-899-5111 to order
<http://www.dragondoor.com/b19.html>The Fit for Life Solution or you
can click on the link provided.  For less than one-third of one
doctor's visit you can learn how to dramatically reduce the need of
ever needing a doctor.

And check in with me next month, I'm going to whack the protein myth for

Harvey Diamond
Fit For Life Solution

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