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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 19 Nov 2001 19:37:34 -0500
Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
<[log in to unmask]> from "arjen hoekstra" at Nov 19, 2001 02:48:40 pm
text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Anwar J Goins <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (50 lines)
Arjen, you continue to argue from an evolutionary point of view. I was
discarding this view in my argument. You did not argue me on the fact
that no known process adds to the genetic code of a species and that all
processes which alter the genetic code either damage it or destroy it.
As for your transitional creature I'll do some more research on him. I
know that many of the so called transitional creatures were proven to be
false. ANd yes you are right about the special conditions concerning the
fossil record but this is the only valid means by which evolution can be
proved. Secondly, it may do you some good to find out about(or maybe you
already know) about variation within one species. That is a theory(which
to my knowledge is not in mode any more) that also does a very good job
at explaining the differences in species without evolution. I believe it
supposes that all of the genes for the differentiation are already within
the gene code and that some of the traits are brought about throuh
specific breeding patterns, and humanity has manipulated this through the
different breeds of cows and dogs. This theory seems more logical
especially in light of the most important fact that THERE IS NO KNOWN
impedes the evolution theory and we can't go about guessing about the
mating of two similar animals. Yes as you said concering parasites and humans
we are also subject to stress. This probably the main reason for populations
dying off and so for and so on. However, if we can knowledgefully and God
wilingly support our bodies then we can prevent these things from overloading
our body due to stress. Believing that parasites and bacteria are not th
e villian and knowing the bacteria and parasitic waste cause the body
real problems it is natural that if the body is not supported mainly(and
the germs slowed down a bit(with natural foods)) then the wastes will
continue make more dead cells for the parasites and bacteria to feed off of.
I urge you to check out www.hyahya.org go to the videos and watch "the
collapse of evolution" fully. Yes, there is much propaganda(the music,
the phrasing) in the film and it is dramatic but I urge you to pay
attention to the data. If you search the subject of biological diversity
WITHOUT evolution there is much on this topic and some very interesting
things. Evolution is not very scientific at all. It is the bias of
scientists against God and religion which makes them come up with their
own religious and mythical inventions for the origin of the world's
species. Evolution needs to be dropped. As for my statment life supports
life. This is still true. You kill the plant when you pick it and eat it.
You kill the seed when you chew it. And you kill the animal before you
eat it. But the meat is still very much alive as is the the internals of
the seed and plant.
You see you kill the whole, but you don't kill the minute and by
fermenting you start another process which is just as lively.  You can slit
my throat but every part of my body is still active just not the one
that worked to protect the whole. Moreover, how come you didn't adress
the otter example either?
