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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 18 Nov 2001 15:02:23 -0500
Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
<[log in to unmask]> from "arjen hoekstra" at Nov 18, 2001 09:56:50 am
text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Anwar J Goins <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (115 lines)
I cannot respond to all of your post. I'm not one to believe in
evolution. There is a possibility for evolution. But ther eis no evidence
that changes in one species leads to
evolution into a different species. For as I know there is no known
mutagenic process which ADDS to the genetic code of a species, chemical,
radiological or whatever else.(They take away from it or damage it.) Also
as to your statement:
 It is
interesting to notice that Chimps and Gorillas have
extended canines, even though the amount of meat they
eat is minimal. This implies that even the smallest
amount of meat eating requires extended canines.

Not necessarily. Maybe the extended canines are not for what we think they
are. Natural selection ideally would only better 1 species not turn it
into another species. We act as if extended canines are the only
mechanism by
which a creature can eat meat. If we take it that humans use
tools, this use indeed saves us from having to use extended canine teeth to
rip open
skin from a carcass. Just as an otter doesn't have teeth like the fish
called 'Oyster cracker' but bangs the oysters and clams against rocks
and then eats them. It is obvious that we HAVE canines and that
most of our teeth are also rigged. I think this counts for much. And we
should not think that one physical make up monopolizes as a means to
achieve something. I wonder what pigs teeth look like, since they are
also omnivores?(just a question). Again I'm not one to argue evolution,
though I do not disclude it as being a possible theory. However, I do not
think it
is the most logical theory to take according to the genetic evidence and the
fossil record which from what I've learned seems to indicate that all
races of creatures just about appear at once and that there are no
transitional forms known of any creature evolving into
another. If anything these earlier
skulls(of our so called ancestors H.habilus and so and so) were creatures
created similar to us or apart of our race that
became extinct. As for the cows, cows are fed on other animal
parts(partially) to
imitate the fact that they eat many insects while grazing on pastures.
when it comes to diseases the real issue has to do with theories of
disease(Pasture and Bechamp) there
are some of us out there that do not believe that bacteria or viruses
CAUSE disease but are more like scavengers feeding off the dead of diseased
bodies(the diseased being self-inflicted or some other physical damage
inflicted by harmful chemicals or other toxins or deficiencies.) SO the
bacteria or viruses are not the villians it is us or our
environments (chemicals, mal-nutrition, etc.) As for mad-cow disease it
can be traced to the application of organophosphates along cows' spines to
get rid of the warble fly. So the disease is chemically inflicted.
"prions" are not the cause nor some other type of virus or bacteria. The
feeding of animal parts in the feed of cows is a practice that has been
going on for about/or over a hundred years. As for Salmanella and E.
coli, we
all live with them(yeah you may say not the harmful strain, but the
bacteria is the not the problem and you have that strain in you too.)
Moreover, as I know, most cases of Salmonella and E.Coli can be traced to
eating cooked meat, and most of the patients that die die of anaphylactic
shock(excuse me if I spelled this wrong) which can be attributed to the
allergic reactions to the body damaging antibiotics. You can find more on
this if you look for 'www.westonaprice.org' website as well as


Moreover cows do not thrive on the diet they are given(mostly grains with
some animal by products and
filled with antibiotics) nor on diets filled with mostly grains. Because
this is not what they naturally and preferably eat. They thrive on
pastures. We could call this both intoxication and/or malnutrition which
causes modern cows to die very early. Just as if we ate only junk food or
only cooked food or only wheat. Yeah we would live for a
while but then we would become malnutritioned and die early. Our body
will do what it can to keep us living so that when we come across the
right substances we can support it but if it is not being given
support this effort will end when the body has used all of its internal
resources, having no help from the outside. Raw meat is better than cooked
meat in its nutritional profile and what it has to offer. Seeing that
since we know many nutrients are heat labile, those that are that we do
not know of yet are being preserved in the raw meat, right along with
those that are not heat labile. Ethiopians eat raw meat, chinese eat raw
pork, Japanese eat raw fish, eskimos eat raw meat, koreans eat raw beef,
many eat raw clams and fish and many other ancient peoples ate their meat
raw. The meat is better for you this way and we have historically eaten
meat. Raw meat is a totally different animal than cooked meat(Cooked meat
takes on many carcinogenic properties from the damaged fats to the
proteins bound with what I believe is glucose a process which renders the
proteins unusable if done prior to digestion). And just
as you said even our ancestors could have made dietary mistakes so we need to
 do the best that we can. But we have
canines, we have the tools(mainly intelligence) to obtain mammalian meat
and it is the best when it is in its raw form. What then stops us from
enjoying what God has given us as food, from insects, to plants, to
animals. And why should we not eat it in a form which seems to be better
utilized, less carcinogenic, more nutritious and good tasting. I believe in
the principle that nature(that is God) does it best and the life begets
life. Cooking damages and kills nutrients. Knowing this is enough to indicate
that we should not cook(or atleast cook smartly). Moreover all other
animals are provided food, for the most part, in their raw
forms(fermented, rotting or whatever) and they thrive on this. This is a
key, in my mind, to how we can also truly thrive (Pottenger's cats, Cow's
on pastuerized milk, lions/tigers on cooked meat, dogs on dogfood and/or
cooked meat). I believe most animals get disease in a natural environment
because of lack of resources(famine, drought etc.). We as humans have the
ability to ensure(God willing) that we can always eat, drink, get fresh
air, sun, etc. and we also should be smart enough to know that cooking
foods is degrading to the nutrition of the food and therefore our health.
Maybe there is something to that old saying calling fire, the fire of
death. And we cannot expect to bring about life through death, life
begets life.(yeah I know this got philosophical but I think the arguments
are valid and logical arguments as to the world around us are indeed to be
deemed scientific)
