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Tue, 1 Jun 1999 02:11:57 -0500
Axel Makaroff <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (97 lines)
At 14:52 11/05/1999 +0200, you wrote:
>Mark cited Arnold Ehret...
>"I do not believe that the human body assimilates 'food-value vegetables'
>such as cauliflower, asparagus, turnips, potatoes or cereals in their
>uncooked state.  After a certain beneficial mechanical cleansing of the
>bowels thru these raw foods the one-sided raw-food eater lacks, in fact,
>the most important food substance, and that is grape or fruit sugar,
>unless he eats sufficient fruits."
>...and asked for comments. Here are my two pfennigs:
>Try to operate your brain on fruit sugar only and you will soon face the
>consequences as were described very detailed by different authors on this
>list. My opinion is: fruitarianism (as indirectly recommended by Ehret in
>the above paragraph) fails because the brain needs   f a t   to function.
>Even if you ate fat only in your diet your body could manufacture sugars
>from the fat (the state of ketosis - paleo people will know it). If you
>try to eat sugar only there's no similar way for your body to manufacture
>fat from the eaten sugars.
>>As one who is having trouble staying as warm as I would like even in the
>>springtime, I would be interested in any reactions to her statement.  My
>>first reaction is that if you need dried fruits to "keep from perishing"
>>there must be something wrong with the diet.
>Dried fruit is second hand food for me except for some healing purposes.
>E.g. if you are lacking calcium you could obtain a lot of it from dried
>figs. In a balanced state however I think it goes "fresh is best" for
>vegetable food. With animal food there are differences... ;-)
>To stay warm I think the following factors are important:
>1) having a normal body weight
>2) eating enough dense foods
>1) Emaciated people tend to feel cold. This is generally known. The
>   higher your body weight together with a nearly equal body surface the
>   warmer you normally feel.

hello everybody. i wanted to add my two cents.

i have experienced this exagerated fear myself too, but fortunately
some ways to beat it.
one, the most dramatic, long lasting (from hours to days) is
the nuder the better, and the longer you can stay under the sun the
better too. also, and this might be seen as dangerouns by some,
as much as you can, of course without hurting your skin in the
and at any hour in the day. i have found repeatedly with my own body
there seems to be a stronger life-enhancing and well-being-giver
from sunbathing when done during the "worst" hours, like from 11 AM,
1 PM, or something like that. i repeat, be alert to the way your body
feels while under the sun from minute to minute. the body is amazing
tell me at least exactly when to get out of there. it is not a super
signal, no, but at some point i no longer feel totally comfortable.
i know it is time to go to the shade or get dressed. it is easy to
this signal because it is subtle, but it is there. all this to say
sunbathing works so well for me to eliminate the cold problem, so much
that when i sunbathe for a couple of hours or more in a day, the rest
the day and probably the following days i have extra cold resistance.
example, now in buenos aires, where i live, it is fall season, and we
rapidly changing temperature, so for example at 2 PM under the sun you
have nice 25 celsius, and at 10 PM it can be windy and chilly, maybe
celsius (i am sorry but do not remember the farenheit equivalent off
well, at night i can ride the bike with a t-shirt and all the people
in the
street are wearing heavy coats and some look like terribly suffering
the terrible cold out there. you get my point.

the other thing i have found to make me withstand the cold better is
anaerobic exercise. what i do is short intense work outs for maybe
an hour to an hour, several times a week.

i hope this helps,

axel makaroff