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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 6 Apr 1999 20:37:50 -0400
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"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
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(From: Jovan D. Boskovic, and please read become this will come true.  The
prediciton is in the second part.)

Message from a friend: Be wary of a "massacre"; expose the lies before they

        It has now become clear that we are only few weeks, if not days, away from
the Nato ground attack on Yugoslavia. The public in the U.S. and Europe has
been kept in the dark about the real intentions of Western policy makers.
Instead, CNN and other "free and impartial media" have been feeding us a
constant stream of graphic pictures and comments on Nato-triggered
humanitarian disaster unfolding in Albania and Macedonia (FYROM). In the
meantime, there has been a lot of frantic activity and behind-the-scene arm
twisting going on in neighbouring countries. We have just learned from
Reuters wire reports that Deputy-Secretary General of Nato is "visiting"
(read: disciplining) several Yugoslavia's neighbours; U.S. Deputy Secretary
of State Strobe Talbott was in Bulgaria praising its commitment to the Nato
operation, and Washington has pledged a $4.5 million grant to "help
restructure Bulgaria's Soviet-style army". Mr. Talbot is currently in
Greece. The disciplining of the Greeks is not going so well, so Mr. Talbot
and his bosses will soon resort to using standard "inducements for the
Greeks", such as the threat of kicking Greece out of the Nato and
recognition of independence of the Turkish Cypriot state. In several
articles, in the closing paragraphs it has been indicated that there is a
discussion going on "in Nato circles" about granting several countries,
including Albania, Macedonia (FYROM), Bulgaria and Romania, express Nato
membership "to tighten a security rope around Yugoslavia". U.S. is sending
24 Apache helicopters, multiple rocket launchers, and up to 2,600 "support
troops". Within days there will be over 30,000 Nato troops in FYROM, Albania
and Adriatic, plus regrouped fighters of the so-called Kosovo Liberation
Army (KLA), that have found Nato-secured shelter and rearmament in Albania.

        What appears that Nato (and "the rest of the civilized world") is looking
for, is a strong excuse to start the ground war. An excuse that is supposed
to cause widespread outrage and turn reluctant and ambivalent public opinion
in the West in favour of a ruthless ground war combined with round-the-clock
air attacks. The air raids, from then on, will no longer be concerned with
"collateral damage" and death of civilians. Some analysts have already
envisioned a scenario where a few shells will fall into the refugee camps in
Albania and kill and maim a large number of civilians. The Serbs will be
instantly accused and demonized in the "free press". This will also give an
"excuse" to Albania to allow Nato attack from its territory, and
"legitimize" ensuing Nato's total war against Yugoslavia. The simultaneous
presence of William Walker, the mastermind behind the Racak "massacre", and
Christiane Amanpour, "the weeping lady who knows how to make even
bird-watching a dramatic event", in FYROM is more than indicative of the
operation that is going on and that can happen very soon.

Do not get caught off-guard. Act now to expose this lie before it happens!

Wit tha five centuries of penitentiary
So let tha guilty hang
In tha Year of tha Boomerang