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Wed, 13 Oct 1999 14:31:29 -0400
Diane Yoder <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

My son went for his first follow-up appt. since being diagnosed in April.
After 6 months on the diet he grew 2 and 1/4 inches! We were thrilled. When
he was diagnosed his only presenting symptom was short stature. He has
never had ANY kind of reaction to gluten. Also, he wasn't sick at all. So
it has been difficult to notice any benefit from the gluten-free diet until
now. I haven't been weighing or measuring him at home because I already
worry that he will become self-conscious about his size and I don't want to
make him more so. So this was the first indication of any improvement on
the diet. He had only grown 1 and 1/2 inches between ages 4 and 5.

The pediatrician did not think that any blood work was necessary at this
point - that the growth alone was indication that the diet was working. For
those of you whose children have regular blood work, what is checked and
why? And how often? We will go back for a regular checkup in Feb. and I
will request blood work at that time if I think it is necessary.

Thanks in advance,

Diane Yoder
Mom to 5 yo Harrison
Albany, NY