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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
"Barber, Kenneth L." <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 22 Apr 1999 08:56:53 -0400
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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (455 lines)
never been to philly, got no opinion.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: I. STEPHEN MARGOLIS [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Thursday, April 22, 1999 8:47 AM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      FW: Apr 24 info; German Bombs
> For those who think Philly's a backwater.
> We're the cradle of liberty and the hell-hole of fascism.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: J P [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Thursday, April 22, 1999 2:00 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Cc: A-george riddle; [log in to unmask]
> Subject: apr 24 info; German Bombs
> 1. M4M forces concessions from city
> 2. Rainbow Flags for Mumia Contingent
> 3. "From Brazil to South Africa" Mumia Actions
> 4. Youth Fighting Death Penalty, Instead of Killing as in Denver
> 5. "GERMAN A.F. BOMBARDS BELGRADE, AGAIN"-Isreali Antifascists Statement
> .........................................................................
> NOTE:  People are needed to hand out April 24 fliers at many activities
> over the next two days:
> At Penn Relays, at Temple Rally Thurs, at Wilmington anti-death penalty
> vigil Thurs, at Montel Williams show on Fri, at ecumenical service at 18
> & Diamond on Fri eve., and other places throughout the area.  If you
> come to 4601 Market, or just call 215-476-8812, to volunteer your time
> and effort, you can get involved in making more people informed.  PLEASE
>         We are asking apr 24 demonstrators to not buy food in Center City.
> So
> we are asking people from Philadelphia to bring juice, bread or other
> foods to share with out-of-town supporters on Saturday.
>         Volunteers are urgently needed on April 24 to be bus greeters,
> staff
> information tables, collect names, assist disabled people, and as
> security marshals.  Come to the Volunteers Table in front of City Hall
> to help out on Saturday.
>         There are a number of feeder marches into the noon rally on Apr
> 24:  a
> women's march from Germantown, a Black Power Contingent from 7th &
> Fairmont, a contingent walking over from Camden, a run from Progress
> Plaza, and a march from 40th and Baltimore St.  Call 476-8812 for
> details.
> .........................................................................
> 39 W. 14 Street New York, NY 10011
> (212) 633-6646 · FAX (212) 633-2889
> http://www.peoplescampaign.org
> email: [log in to unmask]
> FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                   Contact: Nina Streich, Bob Lamothe
> April 20, 1999                                                  (212)
> 633-6646
> Worldwide Pressure Forces Mayor Rendell to
> Drop Restrictions on The April 24 Millions for Mumia Rally
>  In the face of worldwide outrage, the City of Philadelphia has
>  abandoned its attempt to limit the number of participants in the
>  Millions for Mumia march on Saturday, April 24. Tens of thousands are
>  expected from the local area, around the country and even from Europe
>  to demand a new trial for Mumia Abu-Jamal.
>  City officials had tried to restrict the march part of the rally to
>  just 500 people, despite the huge numbers expected to gather in
>  Philadelphia on the 24th.
>  When the City's attempt to limit the march was made public, Mayor Ed
>  Rendell's office was flooded with protests in the form of phone
>  calls, faxes and e-mails from all over the world. In France, former
>  First Lady Daniel Mitterand held a press conference denouncing his
>  harassment of the march. The world is watching developments in
>  Philadelphia with keen interest; one city official reported seeing a
>  pro-Mumia rally advertised in Brazil.
>  With local, national and international protest mounting, city
>  officials dropped their attempt to limit the march, admitting that
>  all who wanted to join the protest march had the right to do so.
>  "Last week, we put an international spotlight on the illegal lengths
>  to which the city would go to silence the movement for a new trial
>  for Mumia," said Monica Moorehead, national organizer for Millions
>  for Mumia. "They're worried that the lid is about to blown off their
>  18-year cover-up of the truth: that Mumia is innocent, and was framed
>  up for opposing police brutality. While they've dropped all
>  restrictions on Saturday's rally, their fear has led them to use
>  other ploys, the most notorious being anti-free speech measures
>  around the Friday night cop memorial dinner organized by the FOP."
>  The city is also harassing the April 24 Millions for Mumia Rally with
>  a series of discriminatory and bureaucratic requirements, as the
>  media trumpets city plans to roll out the red carpet for the upcoming
>  Republican Convention. "This just lets us know that we have to keep
>  the spotlight on the city and its tactics. They're trying to silence
>  a movement for truth," Moorehead said. "That's why they framed Mumia
>  in the first place: to silence the truth. The city's illegal and
>  unconstitutional behavior calls to mind the assault on civil rights
>  that characterized a 1981 trial of lies, coerced witnesses and
>  falsified documents, and put Mumia in jail."
>  "Pushing back the city's restrictions is a small example of what the
>  people united can accomplish," Moorehead said. "On April 24, people
>  from all over will converge on Philadelphia for the next step: a new
>  trial for Mumia Abu-Jamal!"
> -30-
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>X<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> 2.   From: "RainbowFlags4 Mumia" <[log in to unmask]>
> The following orientation is the "best case" scenario for April
> 24th.  But be please be prepared (bring your banners/placards, esp.
> from your school, area or organization) to represent our communities
> throughout the march.
> Regardless of whether we are all together or marching separately, We
> will be making a significant contribution politically to the march.
> Please be on alert for any changes (meeting location, times, march
> route) to that may occur during this week.
> April 24th Logistics:(This what is planned thus far but is subject to
> change.)
> Rainbow Flags for Mumia : The Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Two-Spirit and Trans
> Contingent will be meeting:
> AT 12:OO Noon  AT 17th Street and Market Street in Philadelphia.
> Banners & Placards:
> There will be two 10 foot rainbow banners, (1) by the stage at City
> Hall and (2) at 17th Street and Market.  There will also be huge
> placards on poles that say "We Support Mumia/Rainbows for
> Mumia/lgbtst/" to be sold. (asking for $1.00 donation)
> The banners will be in their position and visible hopefully by
> 10:00am in the morning. (If you are able to be on banner duty during
> the march, by all means volunteer!!!)
> The March:
> The Rally at City Hall will start at 12noon.  The March will start
> approximately between 2-2:30pm
> The march is still being worked out.
> But one thing is for sure...WE ARE MARCHING!!!
> for Rainbow flags or general information specific questions call:
> 212-633-6646 or email [log in to unmask]
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>X<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> 3. -------------------------
> Via Workers World News Service
> Reprinted from the April 22, 1999
> issue of Workers World newspaper
> -------------------------
> World movement says 'Save Mumia'
> By Greg Butterfield
> The spirit of international solidarity lives among public school
> teachers in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. These workers plan
> to strike in support of death-row political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal.
> "The education workers of Rio de Janeiro state schools shall stop
> work on April 23 for one hour to carry out a meeting to demand
> freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal," declared a March 13 resolution of the
> Union of Education Workers of the State of Rio de Janeiro.
> On April 23 students worldwide will put down pencils and books and
> walk out of schools to demand "Stop the execution" and "A new trial
> for Mumia"--one day before mass demonstrations called Millions for
> Mumia occur in Philadelphia and San Francisco.
> International pressure was key to the successful campaigns to save
> the Scottsboro Brothers, Angela Davis and other condemned political
> prisoners in the U.S.
> Millions for Mumia has become that kind of movement. His cry for
> justice has been heard, and embraced, on every continent.
> Abu-Jamal, a former Black Panther and award-winning radio journalist,
> was sentenced to death for the 1981 killing of a white Philadelphia
> cop. Abu-Jamal has always maintained his innocence. Supporters say he
> was framed because of his lifelong fight against racism and police
> brutality.
> Brazil's National Confederation of Education Workers Congress had
> declared Feb. 13: "[We] call for the immediate freeing of Mumia Abu-
> Jamal. The defense of this courageous fighter against oppression has
> become the international symbol of the struggle against the racist
> death penalty."
> Brazil has the second-largest Black population in the world, after
> Nigeria. To many people there, and around the world, Abu-Jamal's case
> exemplifies the racism and hypocrisy of the U.S. government.
> Those connections are sharply focused now. The vicious New York
> police slaying of African immigrant Amadou Diallo is one reason.
> Another is Washington's claim that it drops bombs on the people of
> Yugoslavia for "humanitarian reasons."
> UN commission hears testimony
> "The U.S. has made a business out of violating the human rights of
> the world community," charged Zack de la Rocha, lead singer of the
> popular band Rage Against the Machine. De la Rocha testified about
> Abu-Jamal's plight at an April 12 hearing of the United Nations
> Commission on Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland.
> "A crime is a crime regardless of the tools used in the trade," he
> said, "whether it's a Stealth bomber over Belgrade or a sham trial
> and a syringe in Philadelphia.
> "Mumia Abu-Jamal was targeted in this case for political and racial
> reasons," de la Rocha explained to the UN commission. "Judge [Albert]
> Sabo showed bias throughout both the trial and the appeal. The
> prosecution falsified and suppressed evidence that could have
> exonerated Mumia. Blacks were illegally excluded from the jury, there
> was police intimidation of witnesses, and the prosecution coerced
> witnesses into providing perjured testimony."
> At the time of Abu-Jamal's sentencing, Sabo had already earned his
> reputation as a "hanging judge," having condemned 26 people to death--
> 24 of them Black, de la Rocha said.
> De la Rocha's testimony made headlines across Europe and the United
> States, and was featured on MTV.
> Since the Pennsylvania Supreme Court denied Abu-Jamal's appeal last
> October, the European Parliament and elected officials in Belgium,
> Denmark, and Norway have issued demands and signed petitions calling
> on President Clinton and Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge to stop the
> execution--which could take place within six months--and urging that
> Abu-Jamal be given a new trial.
> Aline Pailler, a member of the European Parliament, will speak at the
> Philadelphia Millions for Mumia protest. Danielle Mitterrand, head of
> the France Liberté Foundation and the former First Lady of France,
> also endorsed the April 24 mobilization. Mitterrand, a prominent
> death-penalty opponent, will visit the U.S. in late April to meet
> with Abu-Jamal and Native political prisoner Leonard Peltier.
> SOS-Racismo in Portugal has collected over 700 signatures from
> prominent individuals. Among the signers are 1998 Nobel Prize for
> Literature winner Jose Saramago, a renowned author and member of the
> Portuguese Communist Party. Eight representatives from each party in
> the national parliament signed, as did both major union federations,
> the CGTP and UGT.
> "We intend to deliver this text to the U.S. Embassy, with a press
> conference, shortly before the Philadelphia demonstration April 24,"
> said Antonio Louca of SOS-Racismo.
> The Millions for Mumia Mobilization received an article that appeared
> in the Calcutta, India, newspaper Sangbad Pratidin, reporting on the
> Feb. 26 "Evening of Justice for Mumia" at New York's Town Hall. "The
> organizers with all their strength have launched an all-pervading
> movement on the issue and it is spreading rapidly, too," said the
> report.
> West Bengal leader speaks
> "... Mr. H.A. Halim, Speaker, West Bengal Legislative Assembly, got
> the invitation to attend today's meeting in New York. ... Mr. Halim
> says that he has had a detailed discussion with the former Attorney
> General of the USA [Ramsey Clark] on the matter....
> "In Calcutta this Thursday noon Mr. Speaker said, `I had the
> intention to be present there but could not do so. However, my mind
> is there. The massive mobilization that has taken shape, striking at
> the root of the internal structure of the American world, is very
> significant. Here [in India], I am trying my level best at
> contemplating to promote an effective coordination with'" the April
> 24 mobilization.
> Many international Millions for Mumia demonstrations and press
> conferences are planned.
> The Socialist Front of Puerto Rico , for example, is building for a
> large protest in San Juan on April 24. The Front helped lead last
> year's massive People's Strike against the privatization of the
> national telephone company.
> The Puerto Rican people know a lot about solidarity with political
> prisoners after 101 years of U.S. colonial domination. Sixteen Puerto
> Rican independence fighters languish in U.S. jails.
> Independence hero Rafael Cancel Miranda--himself a former political
> prisoner-- will make the journey to Philadelphia April 24 to lead the
> Latinos for Mumia contingent.
> Other cities hosting April 24 protests include: Carlton South and
> Melbourne, Australia; Vienna, Austria; Toronto and Vancouver, Canada;
> London, England; Paris, France; Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg and Rheine,
> Germany; Belfast, Cork and Dublin, Ireland; Rome, Italy; Amsterdam,
> the Netherlands; and Oslo, Norway.
> The Congress of South African Trade Unions, President Nelson Mandela
> of South Africa and Bishop Desmond Tutu have spoken out on Abu-
> Jamal's behalf.
> The Azanian People's Organization of South Africa sent a "message of
> solidarity to the family, friends and organization of Mumia Abu-
> Jamal.
> "We would be pleased if our name can be added to the organizations
> throughout the world who support this campaign to have Comrade Mumia
> Abu-Jamal retrialed or released unconditionally."
> - END -
> (Copyright Workers World Service: Permission to reprint granted if
> source is cited. For more information contact Workers World, 55 W. 17
> St., NY,NY 10011; via e-mail: [log in to unmask] For subscription info
> send message to: [log in to unmask] Web: http://www.workers.org)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>X<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> 4. From: "leslie jones" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: FREE show 4/23 & YOUTH STAGE 4/24
> Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 09:55:22 PDT
> ona move.....
> please help spread the word....
> Walk-Out April 23
> 10 AM Temple U. Bell Tower
> 11 AM Broad & Spring Garden
> Noon  City Hall
> 2 - 3 PM  Broad & Spring Garden
> 4 PM City Hall
> EDU-TAINMENT 3..... an audio visual assault on this corrupt system!
> Friday, April 23, 1999
> LOVE PARK (across the street from City Hall)
> 15th Street & JFK Blvd
> 7 - 11 PM
> We are not hitting the streets on April 23rd for a day off.  We are
> not coming to Love Park to party.  We are not standing over a MILLION
> strong on April 24th because we have nothing better to do.  We are
> coming together to DEMAND JUSTICE!  So join us and represent what it
> is we are here to do: FREE MUMIA!
> featuring.....
> malik b of the roots
> channel live
> ras baraka
> last emperor
> name
> ricanstruction
> mozaic black
> sabela
> tony medina
> 3-7000-9
> goldiilocks & the architects
> the seeds of wisdom
> rich medina
> fifth dynasty
> theodore harris
> ewuare osayande
> lucid dreams
> warrior bloods
> momsug dojo......
> and
> join us for an evening of revolutionary artisic expression under the
> stars in support of THE MILLIONS...... coming soon!
> lastly......  there will be a YOUTH STAGE at MILLIONS FOR MUMIA
> it will be on the north side of city hall facing broad street and
> open up at 9 AM      it will be an opportunity for young people
> worldwide to come together, share information, express themselves,
> and network.....
> for more information: 215-476-8812 or 215-248-2101
>                       [log in to unmask]
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>X<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> 5.
>                  Statement by Israeli Antifascists
>                               * * *
>      58 years ago, the Nazi German air force bombarded Belgrade
> in the framework of the Nazis to enforce their hegemonic rule
> over all of eastern Europe. After the Nazi Wehrmacht conquered
> Yugoslavia, Nazi Germany established on that country's territory
> two puppet states (Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia) and instigated
> them against the Yugoslavian Serb population group which fought a
> heroic struggle against the Nazi occupation and defended their
> homeland until the defeat of Nazi Germany at the end of World War
> II, holding up more than twenty German divisions - is stated in a
> declaration by the Association of Antifascists and Victims of the
> Nazi Regime, living in Israel. Further-on the declaration says:
>      For several weeks, we witness with consternation and deep
> grief the new murderous bombardments of Yugoslavia by the German
> air force, together with airplanes of other NATO countries,
> foremost those of the USA. Absolutely no one has the right to
> trample upon the United Nations Organization, founded in the wake
> of the victory over Nazi Germany and its allies, or to authorize
> himself to police the World.
>      The rulers of the NATO member states do not feel any sorrow
> for the fate of the Kosovo Albanians, or for those who were
> forced to become refugees. Also the fate of the residents of the
> bombarded sites in Yugoslavia are of no concern to them.  Fact is
> that the refugee stream has tripled since the beginning of the
> terror air raids in Yugoslavia, and the number of refugees rises
> more and more. In truth, the USA and NATO rulers attempt with
> their intervention in the Balkans to instigate the peoples of the
> Balkans one against the other, in order to enable the
> perpetrators of the bombing terror to erect their economic and
> political rule over the Balkan peoples and eastern Europe.
>      We, who have learned the lessons from our fate during World
> War II in Europe, started by the Nazis, call for an immediate
> halt to the war and the NATO bombardments in Yugoslavia, and to
> find a peaceful solution at the negotiation table which will be
> acceptable by all sides to the conflict. There is no way to any
> dictated solution enforced by bombs, terror or war, or which
> contains the establishment of a military NATO base in any part of
> Yugoslavia. The rights of the Yugoslavian Kosovo Albanian
> minority within Yugoslavia should be guaranteed by any accord for
> a solution, as well as Kosovo remaining an integral part of
> Yugoslavia - is stated in the declaration of the Israeli
> Antifascists.
>                               * * *
>       Hans Lebrecht is an Israeli journalist, a veteran activist
>      of the anti-Nazi underground resistance and the current
>      chair of the Association of Antifascists and Victims of
>      Nazism in Israel. He is also the Vice President of the
>      International Federation of Resistance Fighters (F.I.R.), an
>      organization with a membership of several million veteran
>      antifascists throughout Europe and Israel. Mr. Lebrecht is a
>      frequent contributor to Antifa Info-Bulletin.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>X<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> Joe Piette, National Peoples Campaign/International Action Center
> Philadelphia 215-724-1618