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PCBUILD - Personal Computer Hardware discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 6 Jul 1999 14:40:17 -0400
PCBUILD - Personal Computer Hardware discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Jim Meagher <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Micro Solutions Consulting
text/plain (72 lines)

For your #1,

Make sure the MoBo is rated for the CPU.  According to FIC....
"There are 3 ways to identify the VA-503+ 1.2A that supports the new K6-2
and K6-III CPU's
    1.There is a white sticker along the edge of the board that has "4503"
printed on it.
    2.There is a gray sticker outside of the box that display "E:4503"
    3.Future boards will have an "EO037" sticker on the board and outside
the box. "
You can

For your #2
First of all, do not expect the 56K to give better performance than the old
33.6, UNLESS
the telco lines from your modem to the switching center and out to the ISP
are digital all the way.
If there are any analog circuits in that route, then performance will
suffer.  The more analog-to-digital (or vice versa) switches there are, the
lower the performance will be.

The drop outs could be due to the PC feeding the modem too fast.  You can
try reducing the buffer settings for transmission or reception and see if
that helps.  Go to Dial Up Networking within My Computer and RIGHT-click
your connection and select PROPERTIES.  Now click the CONFIGURE button on
the GENERAL tab and then the PORT SETTINGS button on the CONNECTION tab.
Try reducing the receive buffer by one notch and see what happens.  If that
doesn't do it, put it back and drop the transmit by one notch.  You should
not have to go any lower than one notch for either setting.

Jim Meagher
Micro Solutions Consulting        Member of The HTML Writers Guild
http://www.ezy.net/~microsol     International Webmasters Association
410-543-8996                MS Site Builder Network - Level 2 member
----- Original Message -----
From: Kurr, Martin <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 1999 8:22 AM
Subject: [PCBUILD] FIC mobo & modem disconnect

> My brother just set up a new system: FIC503+, AMD 450MHz, Viper550,
> 56k flex, 128MB (PC100 DIMM 1pc), Ensoniq PCIAudio, 40x EIDE CDROM, Maxtor
> 5.6GB.  Two problems:
> 1) bootup screen shows AMD 400MHz CPU...I think this is wrong jumpers, but
> he swears he triple checked them and they are correct.  Is it possible
> the report is wrong but the setting is actually 450MHz, or are the jumpers
> wrong?
> 2) the modem connects fine, but kicks off after, say, 5 to 50 minutes.
> Newest drivers extended this from 5 to 15 minutes.  Modem diagnostics show
> proper results.  HyperTerminal self-test gives correct results.  2 Phone
> cords, 2 ISP's (both TCP/IP), and one phone company line check later shows
> same problem.  USB is not properly set up in device manager, but all ports
> are OK.  BIOS COM 1 & 2 are enabled, modem is on COM 4.  Modem properties
> grays out "max. speed" and "connect only at this speed" settings (set at
> 115k, always connect at max).  Port Settings button is clickable but does
> not open a box.  No device conflicts exist in device manager.  The modem
> shows remote modem hang-up.  Before the upgrade, using a 33.6k modem, this
> problem never occurred for either ISP.  What's the deal?

                         PCBUILD's List Owner's:
                      Bob Wright<[log in to unmask]>
                       Drew Dunn<[log in to unmask]>