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Ingrid Bauer/J-C Catry <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 16 Nov 2000 00:45:48 -0800
text/plain (98 lines)
>Science, despite its limitations, is useful because it is a procedure that
>anyone can follow to find out if something is true or just what another
>person reckons.

what is true don't need any  proof. It is true either it is the object
curiosity or not. At best truth can be experienced ,not observed.
The experience of truth occur  when there is no doubt left.
Science by attempting to cut the doubt in half , then again in an
half, again and again  is surprised to get more and more questions and
and less answers.
The fact that anyone can follow this kind of procedure or inquiries is
especially scarry in my opinion ( it lead us  to widly public
aberrations , nuclear bomb ,  mass vaccinations , genetic engineering
other goodies...)

>It is possible to misdirect that science - as is evident in
>much of modern medicine. Science is agnostic, like a hammer. You can use it
>to hit a nail or run around swinging it wildly in the air trying to swat

who told us  that we ever needed hammer to live ?.

Science have been ,  is ,and will allways  be useless at bringing
Once you analysed the flower or any other manifestation of nature  you
loose the flower  in the process .Instead you got,  petals,  sepals
etc... if you  go farther in the analyse you end up,  like the quantum
physicists discovered , with nothing to observe except your own
on the world.

>Medicine sometimes misuses science by aiming it at disease, trying
>endlessly to find a cure for increasingly complex pathologies. It could be
>equally well used to find out the conditions of health.

Medicines are not even science , diseases are conceptual creation of
mind ( a mind that lost tracks of its source )
a quote from Masanobu Fukuoka
under the title
<In nature , there is no damage from diseases or insects

 Plants ,people. butterfilies, and dragonflies appear to be
separate,individual living things, and each is a participant in
they share the same mind and life. They are , as it were a living
thing with
a single mind and body, to speak of things as beneficial
insects, pathogenic bacterias, and injurious birds is like saying the
hand is good and the left bad, and it is nothing more than human
It is a mistake to see this as survival of the fittest. It is a
cycle ,in which all things participate in the same life and death,
together and dying together.>

>But it has to be someone in the states (U.S.) and someone with a mythodical
>and committed mind who is willing to sacrafice time and money. Any takers??

Could it be a surprise that no philantropic researchers showed up yet
. ?
which financiel interest will be investigating in research on health ,
diseases can bring money ,power over., feeling of worth by " helping
"alleviating " (maintening)  the misery of patients.
And that compt for any kind of medecines ( even the soon to be born
raw food
medecine) the principle of medecine  in itself is antagonistic with

>I was going to post a basic biochemisty of essential free fatty acids but it
>will take a lot of time. If anyone is interested let me know and I will put
>the effort in.

Allways interesting ! but is really worth it the energy and time to
learn that we know nothing and can't know nothing .

what if this energy was directed at nurturing the efforts of nature at
maintaining life on earth , what if this energy was used to love and
indiscriminately  the diversity of species that constitute a truely
nourishing environment ( with way more than few fatty acids, or other
