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Meredith Westfall <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 19 Sep 1996 01:03:52 -0400 (EDT)
text/plain (30 lines)
Hello all,
I have a simple request.  First, I'll admit my ignorance in thant I don't
really understand what instincto is.  I do remember Kirt writing about it
from NZ, but it didn't really sink in.  Is there anyone out there willing
to explain in lay terms?  If I had that, then maybe I'd understand more
of the debate going on.  What I do get, I enjoy reading!

Still on the quest for raw.  My tastes are changing on a daily basis.  I
can hardly tolerate strong flavors, i.e. spices.  Also, I've been craving
nutritional yeast like crazy.  This usually comes after eating fruit.  I
think I overload my sweet tolerance when I eat fruit like grapes.  Has
anyone else experienced this?  Are these kind of changes on-going, or do
certain tasted settle in  for a while?

My exercise has increased a lot which I am happy about. Who mentioned
that they did endurance training?  How did that kind of training lend
itself to a mostly raw diet?  I'd love to hear other experiences as that
it what really helps me stay on track.

And for a bizarre question.  I apologize in advance to anyone who is offended
by what I'm going to write.  I'm curious to know if there is a connection
between an almost raw diet and a very minimal use of toilet paper.  I
doubt that this is grounded in theory, so a simple "yes" or "no" based on
anecdotal experiences will suffice.  This is what I've been noticing.  Is
there a connection or is it coincidence?

Well, that's it for now.  Keep the messages coming.