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Pat Stephens <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 23 Jan 1997 21:01:29 -0500
text/plain (79 lines)
At 08:45 AM 1/23/97 -0600, David Noel wrote:

>I tell you, I am certainly getting confused with all this different info on
>what to eat. Is it best to eat just raw fruit(RF) or should one add some
>raw veggies(RV) and maybe some raw nuts(RN). But then will I end up lacking
>in something and have to add some raw animal foods(RAF). Then will I find
>that I need to have some cooked animal foods(CAF) and maybe some cooked
>veggies(CV) or cooked grains(CG)or maybe some cooked legumes(CL). Should I be
>vegan, vegetarian, ovo lacto, meat eater, instincto or natural hygiene? Are
>fasts good for you or bad for you? And finally we have The Zone!!! AHHHH!!!
>And what is a food stop or a taste change anyway? Something to do with how I
>feel after I eat a bag of RDSOC(raw double stuff oreo cookies)?

>Andrew Weil, in his book,"Spontaneous Healing", says that peanuts (and alfalfa
>sprouts!) have high levels of naturally occurring toxins and should be avoided
>or consumed in small quantities(p.163). Anyone know anything about this?

David, please forgive me for cut and pasting this serious question at the
end---I had to have time to go get a towel for the tears streaming down my
face, and to get control of myself, (my sides are still hurting).

Peanuts are subject to a fungus which produces aflotoxin, which is under the
control of the USDA--this is why, here in Georgia (the peanut capitol of the
US) those who know of such things and are in control excercise their great
wisdom and install automatic systems to sprinkle malation twice daily on
warehouse stored peanuts. I read this in the Atl. Journal and Constitution
some time ago, and do hope the practice has been discontinued.It's hard to
discover some facts in this world.

I understand that the roaches play a form of football in this artificial
"rain", quite resistant and impervious to this cancerous moisture.
Personally, I go for processed ORGANIC p. butter, rather than risk my system
furthur. As a child, teen, and young mother, in Arkansas, those who know of
such things and were in control (this was, er, some time ago) sent airplane
crop dusters over the town , levees , and rice fields to spray with
malathion for mosquito control and one supposes other vital needs. Pulaski
county has the highest rate of colon cancer in the US, I'm told. My mother
and father died of it just a few years ago.

As for alfalfa sprouts, Laurel Robertson, Carol Flanders, and Bronwen
Godfrey (graduates of U.Cal. at Berkeley and authors of "Laurel's Kitchen"
some years ago) report that these sprouts are somewhat toxic in large and
frequent amounts but Ok occasionally, and thus repeat the age old adage,
"moderation is the key to all good things".They don't relate the effects of
too much, merely saying that they enjoy and eat them and have never had and

I cannot document this, but I have indeed read of many toxic  chemicals
produced by plants in our food chain (including phenols!) which are commonly
eaten but do us no known lasting harm in moderate quantities, other than a
rather abrupt evacuation on occasion.. Did anyone ever pig out on green
apples as a kid? Taught you to be circumspect, didn't it??? (The Angel of
Death mushroom; poison sumac, and hemlock and such are another story, of

I can't find the post which advocated the fruitarian diet on the basis of
nude humans
having only fruit to eat in a forest (did I get that right?): I refer this
person to the nearest botanical garden or county extension office for
assistance in identifying the fiddleleaf ferns, violets, wild
ginger,puffball mushrooms and other edible fungus, edible acorns, hickory
nuts, persimmon, wild cherry, arrowhead tubers---to say nothing of
snakes,ants, termites, bear, (I pass!)owls,caterpillars, fish--I would
submit that a primitive--- well fed, well muscled and tireless--- could come
to civilization and not recognize our dandelions, polk weed, chickweed (no
trouble with four legged critters, tho) as edibles--it all depends on where
you were raised as to your ability to find a balanced variety of edible and
nourishing raw food.

Think, just think of the many cultures on this world and their weird diets,
upon which they have survived. I once spoke to a Czech. gal who was appalled
that we ate "mountain oysters" here---while she related that the delicacy of
the rabbit was the eyes. I found that rather repulsive, don't you?

Prudence Pays Pretty Profits for Perspicacious People who Pamper their
Paunches with Purple Plums and Pawpaws