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Sol Lederman <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 23 Jan 1997 09:03:11 -0800 (PST)
text/plain (57 lines)
> Sol,

> >> Fasting is still the best.

> >More data points, please.

> Have you read any of Shelton's books on fasting?  He fasted more than
> 50,000 patients in his lifetime.  I know of no greater expert in the
> subject.  All of his books are good ones, but "The Science & Fine Art of
> Fasting" is his classic.

I've been undecided about joining ANHS. It sounds like I should join for a
year and read some of Shelton's material, particularly the book you recommend.

> >add fat to my diet to balance the carbs (I'm at 8% body fat and
> >exercise 5 to 6 times per week, including some weight training so the
> fat, mostly almonds, seeds, avocado and cold pressed oils, doesn't make me get fat.)

> I agree that high quality fats are very beneficial.  Americans have been
> trained to be afraid of fats, mainly because they're always ating the
> rong ones.

I had an interesting experience when I started the Zone. I assumed my
cholesterol would go up. (It's typically 130-150 when I'm not eating much
meat.) My cholesterol has been steady at 130-140 for the last six months. I
believe this is because I'm very careful to avoid saturated fats.

I'm looking forward to moving more towards a Raw Foods diet over time.

> Your lean physique is quite impressive.  You're doing something right.

I'm curious. I don't hear much about exercise in the Raw Foods community.
What I mostly hear is that people walk or do light aerobic exercise. I hear
some of yoga as well. What are people's experiences with exercise?

I do two 4-mile runs each week, three 20 minute aerobic exercise sessions on
one of the gym machines, and five days a week of moderate weight training (I
do upper body MWF and legs TuTh.) In the spring and summer I often do 50-100
mile bike rides on Saturdays. I know that Paul Bragg lifted weights.

I believe that some weight training is very beneficial. When I did mostly
raw foods for six months many years ago I got down to 140 pounds and was
skinny. Now, once again I'm at 140 pounds but this time I'm lean. I feel
much more solid in my body now.

The challenge that I do have is that I am not getting stronger in my weight
lifting routines. I believe that is because I'm not willing to consume enough
calories for my body to have extra to build more calories. I'm not willing to
eat the extra calories because of the evidence I've seen that we live longer
if we eat fewer calories plus my motivation to gain more muscle is motivated
by vanity and I'm not willing to potentially endanger my health to look buff.

