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Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 21 Jan 1997 12:07:56 -0700
text/plain (140 lines)
Much of the work about the deficiencies of a fruitarian diet comes from the
Natural Hygeinists, not the "RAF people", but I will attempt to summarize.
(Why the NH folks aren't more concerned with "taking care of their own" and
making this info more well-known is very puzzling to me.) Do you have WWW
access? If so, check out http://chetday.com for Ward Nicholson's summary of
the experiences and shortcomings of both the practices and ideological
"foundation" of not only fruitarianism, but veganism, and an all-raw diet...

>1. What are the chemical deficiences of the raw frutarian diet?
>(example: B12, proteins, etc.)

B12 and vitamin D. Omega-3s, EPA, DHEA, and other essential fatty acids are
unavailable from fruits. In general, fruits lack the high mineral content
of veggies (esp leafy green veggies) and RAF. The B-vitamins are relatively
lacking in most fruits. Source: all this and more can be gleaned from a
perusal of a detailed nutritional chart.

>2. How can a raw frutarian person test his body to see that his diet
>is not complete? (example: blood analysis, urine analysis, etc).

There are all sorts of blood tests that are available--go to a clinic and
schedule some bloodwork--and see what your stats are. If some of your
levels fall outside the normal range so be it. And if you change your diet,
you can get bloodwork again later to compare the results. Source: common

>3. What physical/mental deficiences will probably appear in a
>frutarian person? (example: low physical development, hairless, etc)
>4. How long a frutarian person must wait to see those physical/mental
>deficiencies produced by his incomplete diet? (example one year,
>ten years, etc.)

>5. In what cientific data or personal experience are the previous
>answers support?

Dr. Benesh, a longtime eminent natural hygiene practitioner/educator,
formerly the director of Paradise Valley Health Ranch in Escondido, CA
feels strongly from his experience that a fruitarian diet is harmful. The
following was excerpted from Dr. Shelton's Hygienic Review (April, 1971)
and reprinted as an accompaniment to a series of articles in the March-June
1976 issues of AHIMSA published by the American Vegan Society. The series
of articles was primarily written by H. Jay Dinshah and argued the results
and logic of as fruitarian diet, arguing strongly that other plant foods
were essential for good results. Anyway (and my frickin scanner is down,
tap tap!!) here are some of Dr. Benesh's words:

"For the past 12 years, while carrying on my practice in the State of
California, I have observed numerous patients suffering from physical and
neurological disorders, due to overeating of the fruits which are so
readily available in this part of the country.

"There are those individuals laboring under the idea that man is by nature
a fruit-eater, which is far from the truth. Man can not sustain himself in
a good stae of health on an exclusive fruit diet or on a diet that
predominates in fruit.

"There is no place on earth where man can avail himself of sufficient
varieties of fresh fruits that will supply him with all the essential
ingredients that will enable him to enjoy full health for a long peroid of
time. How long he will appear to do well on this type of regimen depends on
the amount of vital reserves that he has within the tissues of his body.
When these are depleted or lowered to a great degree, trouble commences and
disorders take place.

"The cardinal signs of these so-called fruitarians are: ridged nails,
gingivitus, dental caries, dry skin, and brittle hair, lowered blood cell
count and low hemoglobin percentage. Over a long period of time (at least
on year or more) the blood serum level drops to a point of impending
pathological sate if not corrected.

"Many of them display serious signs of neurological disorders, while some
experience emotional upsets and extreme nervousness and often complain of
insomnia. When their nutritional program is corrected these signs disappear
and the patient finds himslef in a much improved state of health.

"I recently spoke with a health-minded medical doctor, who embarked on this
lopsided program and did very well, experienceing a high state of health
for about a year, when almost suddenly a loss of weight was experienced and
neurological signs were evident. This doctor took a series of blood and
serum tests plus other pertinent tests, which verified what I have observed
in fruitarians and excessive fruit-eaters, and corroborates my findings..."

Dr. Benesh goes on to explain what he considers the metabolic troubles are
in more chemical terms, mentioning other symptoms along the way: "..will
weaken the walls of the minute blood vessels and result in petechial
hemorrages in the mucosal lining of the intestine. The resulting blood is
found in the stool in varying degrees. The fecal analysis will often reveal
occult blood and often mucus shreds. Hemorrhoids will occur in many
cases..rectal bleeding may be present"

and that "in cases of excessive fruit-eating...a state of acidosis (a
lower-than-normal degree of alkininity) is present"

and that "in the early stages one may find crystals of oxalate of lime,
acid stellar phosphates of lime and a slight increase in the normal
ammonium salts, at the expense of urea percentage. Soon uric acid puts in
its appearance...the mere passage of these crystals irritates the urinary
tract and may later cause urethritis and cystitus and later may initiate
'stone' formation in the kidneys or bladder. The usual follow-up is a
disturbance in the nervous system. By now acidosis is well established and
a chronic state is at hand..."

and later on after more deterioration, "Now we have a new and different
state in the urinary tract, which is passed as a highly alkaline fluid.
Many are sadly mistaken by yje presence of this alkaline state of the
urine, as the uninformed may readily claim this is good and indicates a
so=called normal alkaline state of the body fluids, when in reality it
indicates an advanced state of acidosis..."

The French instinctos, based on common experiences, equate "too much fruit"
with a weakened immune system (evidenced by inflamation, slower heal time
on minor abrasions, etc) as well as being very easily bruised. (I can
support this from my personal experience: when eating largely fruit both
Melisa and I would bruise quite easily, whereas now with lots of RAF we are
almost "immune" to bruising. Wound healing is rapid and without inflamation
for us on an instincto diet.)

Sugar metabolism difficulties are reported by many as resulting from too
much fruit, and even sugar addiction type problems.

A decrease or loss of sex drive is reported by many when eating lots of
fruit (I have experienced this as well).

Chronicly unformed stools, cravings, binging, etc. are all anecdotaly
reltaed to a high fruit diet (though are by no means limited to it alone)

Roberto, I, too, have experienced trouble with being too cold on an all
fruit diet, and the opposite (a large tolerence for cold weather) on a diet
including generous amounts of RAF.

And we always have the neurological processes of our resident fruitarians
to see in living color right here on veg-raw ;)

Good luck to you and let us know how it goes for you, eh?
