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ombodhi thoren st john <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 19 Jan 1997 04:39:51 -0800
text/plain (143 lines)
			 i made it!  all messages read and accounted for!
 (actually, i left one for later... edward howell's "enzymes" from bob)

quoth peter the moderate:

>Bob Avery said:
>>Without the bodhster around,

>Where is he off to and when will he back me on the list?

	i will always back you on the list, peter!  i went off to limbo.
 a borderland sandwiched between santa ana & tustin, down there in the
county of orange.  i sure hope doug schwarz's prediction doesn't come
true (me as a republican running for congress out of orange county).  too
conservative.  pavement everywhere.

	(((i miss doug & ward...)))

	the trip transpired suddenly.  sunday night i talked to the
father of my godson.  he needed me immediately, said he'd pay airfare,
and i wrangled up a ticket less than 12 hours in advance ($62 round-trip,
southwest).  i became the godfather to arlan's son in 1985, back when i
lived in vancouver, bc.  arlan & his wife lived with my mom & i, and now
arlan considers me a son.  as president of a picture-frame company,
"aaron brothers" (i think), arlan increased profits until they got rated
#403 on the fortune 500.  then #250 or something like that bought them
out.  arlan retired at the age of 40, started gardening, and ended up
with 300 rose bushes & dozens of fruit trees.

	to meet his expanding gardening habit, arlan tracked down some
unique products.  friends wanted a pair of his new ratchet-cutting
pruners, or his thorn-proof gloves, etc., so he started a small, mainly
mail-order company to put all these nifty tools in one catalog.  so began
"arlan & sons" ("innovative gardening products").  now he sells all sorts
of things: books, audio & video tapes, ladybugs, praying mantis,
deccolate snails, earthworms & their castings (poop), and a home worm bin
system called "the can-o-worms".

	yes, i spent the past five days living, breathing, thinking, &
dreaming **worms**.  one of the first things i asked about: edible worms?
 arlan already had five recipes.  (no, i haven't tried any... yet.)  i
gave arlan a copy of
_instinctive_eating:_the_lost_knowledge_of_optimum_nutrition_ by zephyr.
 he read most of it overnight and immediately wanted to sell it.
apparently it will soon debut as the only non-worm book on his list of
over 40 worm-books.  the most definitive, up-to-date, 1996 book on worms
rings up at $70!  worth it, though, if ya got worms on the brain.

	the time now marches steadily on to five am.  why do i waste my
health staying up late, just to read electronic health chat?  in this
case, i plan to leave at 8:30 this morning for palo alto (i type this
from santa cruz), where my family & friends will congregate for a
birthday ritual.  bodhi turns 21 (meaning i've turned 21 times around
sol, our local star).  ritual cooked food eating will occur with abandon.
 silly songs and over-wrapped presents.  yet, i love them!  at 2pm my
friend leaves to drop his sister off at ucla.  i plan to hop that ride.
he'll deliver me and at least 350 pounds of _spiral_stonemeal_(rock dust)
to arlan's doorstep.  hey, i get to see my godson & make $5/hour plus
room & (raw) board.

	raw board has consisted (so far) of a backyard filled with
tangerines, oranges, lemons, orange-kwats, & lemon-kwats.  i gorge &
arlan worries about me becoming "over-acid".  a lunch or dinner of
blended salad (salad soup?) balances me out just fine.  bee pollen,
avocado (@ $2.29/each!), celery, lettuce, dulse, etc., with optional
jalapeno & onion (spicin' it up).  a dozen chicken egg yolks split
between two days (mono-meals).  and on the 17th i tried duck egg yolk for
the first time!  delicious!  a neighbor down the street lets them run
free in his rather large yard, shaded by a beautiful avocado tree.  not
quite ripe yet, though.

	i found an item i'd failed to locate in northern california at an
ex-mrs. gooch's (now retitled "whole foods market" by the corporation
that bought 'em out):
			raw kefir!
					and yes, bodhi's...

				got kefir!

	i drank 5 quarts in 5 days.  runny yogurt/yoghurt.  as the
package from "stueve's" says: a cultured milk.  i tried a bite of raw,
organic aged swiss cheese.  yuck yuck!  i spat it out.  i advise those
willing to venture forth into the woolly & wacky land of dairy to start
out with goat's cheese (or milk).  goat kefir?  got goat?

	i recognize the logical inconsistency of utilizing dairy while
still steadfastly refusing to include cooked foods.  if i remember the
word of ward correctly, widespread cooking came about roughly 125,000
years ago, while the unweaned dairy drinkers stepped onto the scene 3 to
5,000 years ago.  and the latter applies to only some ethnic groups.  i
happed to find myself a euro-mutt (english, french, irish, german,...).
for the moment i'll take refuge in a catchy lyric:

	"i've never felt this healthy before
	 i've never wanted something rational"
					--_head_over_feet_ by
					  alanis morrissette

	i love the two lines after these.  (just turn on the radio.  they
play this song all the time.)  i don't listen to the radio much, but i
did while driving the hairy highways of so. cal, delivering can-o-worms
to high schools and more.

babble mode off.

	i don't know when i'll make it back to town, or to a computer.  i
hope to see some of ya in my travels.  tierra true (new food spirit) has
offered to take me to the raw food party in san diego on feb. 1st, so
come one, come all, to the nfl party!  i hope we all get to run naked
through the avocado forests.  runnin' on clouds... ah, yes...

	before 9:35pst on january 23rd, please jump on over to:


	three thumbs up from me!  spread the word to your friends!  join
me and (hundreds of) thousands of others in a one-minute meditation.
visualizing white light engulfing the planet (white light seems the most
primal achetype).  with an astrological conjunction useen since the
rennaisance (sp?), it could just be the long-awaited...

		dawning of the age of aquarius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

	or not.  some think we have already entered this epoch...

	you don't have to believe in astrology, or much of anything else,
to take part.  at least try to notice how you feel before, during, &
after january 23rd (12:35pm for y'all on the east coast).  your mileage
may vary.

you didn't really believe that "babble mode off" jive, didya?

	now quarter past five, i must bid adieu to you lovable fanatics!
i accept you, i respect you, i have affection for you, and i support you.

love all ways,