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Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 19 Jan 1997 12:36:48 -0800
text/plain (72 lines)
Sol said:
>(1) I don't do well with lots of sugar in my diet. When I last did
>mostly raw I ate lots of fruit and was a bit spacey. Have others had
>this same experience? Are there some fruits (avocados?) and veggies
>that are more grounding than others? Should I just go mostly vegetable
>for my carbs?

Sol, many of us share your experience. Vegetables (except for corn and
tubers) + low glycemic fruits like apples, grapefruits & berries are
easier on the blood sugar. However, even with these fruits it is a good
idea to eat them with some greens like celery or romaine lettuce and
some nuts. And go easy on the grains.

>(2) Recently I started doing the Zone diet. I found that adding
>protein and some fat has really steadied my moods and eliminated the
>tiredness I feel at night. Is there a way to get lots of protein

That is in my opinion impossible if you want to stay vegan. But check
out the vegetarian Zone page at
What percentage of raw you have been able to maintain with your zone
experiment? Later this year I intend to try the zone with most of my
protein coming from raw animal foods (RAF)

>Yes, I know nuts have lots of protein but I'll get too much fat out of

Zoners use nuts to get their fats - not proteins - as there is not that
much protein in nuts. But no matter how you use the nuts I would not
worry about getting fat on them - especially as the zone is
a low calorie diet.

>(3) Has anyone found a raw foods diet to help with blood sugar
>problems? If so, would you kindly share the highlights of your

In my opinion very few have. Getting a lot of trace minerals from algae
and seaweed seems to do the trick for many + a vigorous exercise
regime. Eating small meals will also help stabilize your blood sugar.

>(4) I don't tolerate wheat very well. (It makes me bloated.) Will
>sprouted wheat do the same?

It sounds like an allergy to gluten in which case sprouting the wheat
should not make much of a difference. Though if your allergy is pretty
mild you might be able to get away with it especially if the wheat you
use is kamut. Try it and let us know how you do on it.

>(5) I'm exploring raw foods to help with what may be a yeast problem.
>Vinegar is a no-no on anti-yeast diets. Does anyone know if raw apple
>cider vinegar is somehow better than the regular supermarket vinegar?

Many health advocates believe that there is a great difference and that
apple cider vinegar might even be beneficial for somebody suffering
from a fungal infection. Others say that it is just as bad as regular
vinegar. I tend to think that the apple cider vinegar is OK.

>(6) Ever since I lost a bunch of excess weight (and gained some lean
>body mass) my fingers and toes are often cold. Any suggestions for

Maybe your system just needs a little time to adjust to its new weight.


Best, Peter
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