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Patrick Cook <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
Mon, 1 Feb 1999 19:55:38 -0700
text/plain (147 lines)
Hi gang:

Long time no post, I know, but I thought I'd share with you guys some of
the things that have been going on with me lately.

First, one of the main reasons why I haven't been posting is primarily
because I really haven't been READING much (if any) of the list mail (Kinda
dumb I know).  The other reason is because I've been somewhat busy
constructing my two websites.  In fact, my ham radio site is almost
complete (Looking at Bob Mauro of PeopleNet as if to say "You'd be
interested in this").   If you guys (and gals) want, you can look around
and take a peek at what I've done so far (Just remember to sign the
guestbook(s) please).  The URLs are below.

RL News - My manager has suddenly discovered something I've been trying to
convey all along.  That being the fact that I can't do much of the hardcore
cleaning (i.e. cleaning the shower) and I can never seem to clean the
kitchen OR bathroom floors (funny, they look reasonably clean to both me
AND the janitor).  As a result, I've had nothing but failed inspection
after failed inspection since Christmas.  In addition, she has put me in
contact with someone who can help me find someone who is capable of doing
the hardcore cleaning (provided I do the basic surface cleaning and general
pick-up of course), however this is still being arranged.

And to make matters even worse, the management pulled a SURPISE inspection
by going into EACH and EVERY unit and doing a basic inspection.  As a
result, you might say I got caught with my hand in the cookie jar so to
speak as I wasn't even prepared (I know, I know.  LAME LAME LAME).  The
manager gave me a week to (at the very least) clean my apartment to the
point whereas it shows some promise

On top of that, I got caught in a rather somewhat dangerous pickle with
regards to my medication (No I didn't get caught by someone else).  Friday
night I went to take my medication (Phenobarbital for my Epilepsy), I
discovered the three pills I had to take WERE THE LAST ONE IN THE BOTTLE!!!
 I said to myself "Oh SH*T!!!" knowing that it meant that I would have to
go the ENTIRE weekend without ANY Pheno at all or going to the local main
health care facility for an emergency refill.

As a result, I knew I had enough Pheno in my system to get me through
Saturday, but I knew I *had* to go in either on Sunday before the game or
Saturday Night.  Since I was virtually a walking zombie and could barely
keep myself awake after spending all night Friday Night working on one of
my websites (let alone convince a stranger how important it was for me to
have a refill of what is a legally controlled substance), I didn't want to
go in looking like I was strung out on the stuff (Epilepsy-L list, I know
what you're thinking), so I chose to wait until Sunday.  I went in on
Sunday (yesterday) and they gave me a temporary refill that would cover
only that night (last night).

I have since gone in to the place I normally go to get a permanent refill
of my medication (or at least permanent for another month).  I did this today.

To compond things, I received the scare of my life in the form of a voice
mail message from someone at Social Security saying that my payments would
stop if I didn't return his call.  Needless to say, I didn't receive that
message until that night because I was online at the time he called, which
was around 1:15 p.m. (Don't you just LOVE it when they only give you a few
HOURS to respond to a message they leave ON THE LAST DAY _BEFORE_
PAYDAY????  [Note:  Sarcasm intended]).

Anyhow, I called this person twice and conferred with him the first thing
today and as it turned out, it was about the disability review which I've
been trying to work on myself, but since I blew my January 6th appointment
with my doctor
because I spaced it out (I told the staff I'd forget it if I didn't receive
some kind of reminder in the form of something I could not lose like a card
sent via the mail because I *do* have a tendency to do this).  As a result,
the appointment was rescheduled for February 26th (they book appointments a
month in advance).

However, the man at Social Security reminded me that he can get the
information for me if ti would make it easier (which it would) but he
couldn't do anything unless I returned the form that was sent to me last
November as well as any other additional information I could provide.  He
also told me that he was calling just to WARN me that my benefits could be
put in jeopardy if I didn't return the form (something he didn't make very
clear during his initial message).

I had intended on returning the form TODAY, but with all the post-Super
Bowl hoopla, just getting to the credit union and then to the clinic to
pick up my medication was a challenge in and of itself, however I left a
message with the man indicating I would stop by tomorrow and drop off the
form as both getting around AND the number of places I have to go will be
drastically reduced.

To top things off, the local bus company is phasing out the non-identifying
"pink cards" used for persons with disabilites and is going with one that
has a photo on it, however they are giving people a one-year grace period
(as of December 1998) to make the switch.  As a result, I've put this on
the back burner until most (if not all) my other problems are resolved.

Lastly, I'll be applying for my annual State rent rebate and may file a
Form 1040EZ with the IRS for any Federal tax credits I may get as a result
of my work as an Judge in last year's State Primary and Election.  I'll do
this tomorrow as well.

Also, speaking of the credit union I mentioned earlier, I have recently
opened up a checking account with them and have arranged for Direct Deposit
with Social Security (starting with this month's check).  Boy, what a
culture shock for someone who has only used "green cabbage" to spend money.

To give you an example, I walked into one of my favorite fast food hangouts
(Taco Bell) in the hopes of being able to pay for my order with a check.
Turns out they don't even accept checks.  Next, I tried Wendy's (a place my
mother used to work for and someplace that I *thought* would accept
checks), but no go there either.

Needless to say, I suppose it's perhaps all to the good that they do this
because I'm trying to be EXTREMELY cautious about using my checkbook until
I feel more comfortable with "the ropes" as I'm trying not to "bite off
more than I can chew" so to speak and I'm trying to make sure that when I
make a purchase on something (including groceries), that I HAVE THE MONEY

Even though I'll be getting overdraft protection (if I don't have it
already) and an ATM card, I don't want to go handing out checks left and

I'm also in the process of arranging for Electronic Funds Transfers for all
of my monthly expenses (i.e. my phone, ISP, computer rental payment, etc.)
so I don't have to mess with going down to the payment agent or the place
where my account is at or having to mail checks in every month (although
the financial company handling my computer rental payments is still on a
pay-by-phone system whereas I make the request over the phone and they
post-date it for the 1st of the month, and then let Western Union handle
it).  I had to virtually zap my savings last month because I needed the
extra money to pay greedy USWORST's whopper of a telephone bill (over $100
because I had just re-established service the month before) and I'm hoping
that move doesn't come back to haunt me, but if it does, it does.  I'll

Anyway, I think I've said enough as I've probably told you my whole life's
story as of the last few months.  So I think I'll just put a wrapper on
this and send it off.

Your Friend,
Patrick Cook, KB0OXD (Amateur Radio callsign)
[log in to unmask]
[log in to unmask]
DENVER BRONCOS!!!  (How 'bout them Broncos????  [speaking like Jimmy
Johnson :-)])

URLs:  http://home.talkcity.com/MinivanAve/patrick32/ &
http;//www.qsl.net/kb0oxd (Radio KB0OXD - Check It Out!!)