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Mon, 27 May 96 08:30:17 CST
Michele Deradune <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (210 lines)

M:  There are some people who used to do a lot of drugs -- a lot of
different kinds of drugs, maybe for many years -- and now they are
off of drugs, and they still have trouble from getting spacey
sometimes.  And there's another guy who just called me this
morning.  He went to a party the other night, hasn't done drugs for
years, but was unknowingly given "Alice B. Toklas" brownies.  He's
got a job interview to go into in two days where they may check his
urine, and he's also feeling very spacey.  And so both of these
people, what they are really wanting to know, "Are there foods or
herbs or process that I can do to help get drugs out of my system?"

Viktoras:  Okay.  Goldenseal is the one that has been traditionally
used by those who have had that experience.  But take as an example
a person who might have done let's say marijuana for years and then
they quit and they do a cleansing program.  This is actually a real
example.  Six months later -- you know, he's been doing raw foods,
wheatgrass, blue-green algae and things like that -- and he ends up
being tested a particular day.  It showed up that he had levels
equivalent to having smoked 12 reefers.

M:  Wow.

Viktoras:  So you don't know what your body is going to unload.  To
give you an example of myself, about 15 years ago before I started
with the raw food I was then 28 and I guess about 10 years prior to
that I had quite a bit of medication which was what you might term
"consciousness modifying" -- codeine, morphine, who knows what all.
They just felt good.  And then I was at Hippocrates for over a
year, maybe a year and a half.  My partner did reflexology on me,
and for about half an hour I was going through the drugs.  The
whole experience was being relived.  So you have it in your fat.
Usually that's the place that you have long-term storage.  Caffeine
leaves you pretty quickly; nicotine is in the fat, so it doesn't
leave that quickly; marijuana, you've got to get rid of the fat out
of your system really to dissolve that out of your body where it
has been stored.  In other words, cleansing, to really clear it out
you really need to do some long-term fasting to get rid of it.
Talking about the drugs showing up in people's urine, overall
excretion, and the way they feel, other people have reported
wonderful results with using a product called Super Blue-Green
Algae.  It's known for getting rid of all kinds of drugs, including
chemicals, heavy minerals, and even asbestos.  It's just amazing.
I mean we have had people who, after three weeks of doing blue-
green algae all of a sudden have a skin breakout, they go to
dermatologists, the skin was examined and it turned out to be
asbestos leaving through the skin.

M:  How would you compare live wheatgrass juice with algae, Super
Blue-Green Algae?

Viktoras:  Well, they are like two different foods.

M:  But wouldn't you say that their action is somewhat similar?

Viktoras:  On some levels, it is, and both have their own
advantages.  I don't see any negatives about them.  It's just a
matter of how you use them.  I use both of them, and I find that
the blue-green algae has a very different effect from the usage of
wheatgrass.  The wheatgrass is more of a healing tool, more
mellowing, whereas the blue-green algae is much more energizing,
increases creativity, increases performances, makes you more
assertive, moves you right out of depression.  Any of these.  With
wheatgrass, you coul end up feeling pretty darn lous especially
a toxic person taking it; whereas a person who has already gone
through cleansing and working with live foods, well, it makes them
feel more mellow, whereas the blue-green algae makes them more

M:  Interesting, interesting!

Viktoras:  Like with weight-lifting, Super Blue-Green Algae
improves my performance and I feel it improves any scholastic work
I do, or when I'm giving a lecture I definitely would not take
wheatgrass before a lecture, but I will take a teaspoon or two or
blue-green algae, and it makes such a dramatic difference.

M:  It seemed like I remembered you saying a long time ago that you
like to take the Omega algae for weight-lifting.  Is that right?
[Note:  The company which sells Super Blue-Green Algae) offers the
algae in a basic form called "Alpha Sun" and a finely sifted form
called "Omega Sun."  It is not available in retail stores, but
through independent distributors -- 90 percent of which have signed
up a distributors solely to purchase the algae and other products
for their personal use.]

Viktoras:  Well, I use more of the Alpha.  The Alpha is for the
body, whereas the Omega is more stimulating for the cerebral
functions, the mental.

M:  Do you tend to take it just before a workout?

Viktoras:  Yeah.  Yeah, I take it before and after a workout.  That
way you don't have post-workout fatigue.

M:  How much do you usually take?  Or do you find that it's highly

Viktoras:  I take probably a teaspoon to 2 teaspoons before a
workout, and I'll drink a lot of fluids during the workout, and
about an hour and a half or two hours later -- which is about how
long the workout takes -- then I'll take another teaspoon or more.

M:  Back to this guy's question, who took the brownies.

Viktoras:  What was in the brownies?
M:  It must have been marijuana.  And he's a choco-holic, and he
ate a lot of brownies.  He's still feeling very spaced out from it.
They didn't tell him until after he ate the brownies.

Viktoras:  Well, I would suggest start off with one capsule of
Goldenseal, and if you don't see any reactions from it then maybe
three hours later take two capsules, and then if that seems to be
alright, take three capsules--

M:  And, reaction, he'd be able to tell by a clearer head?

Viktoras:  Yeah.  And my feeling is that he's having just as much
a reaction from the brownies as he is from the psychedelic.

M:  That's a good point.

Viktoras:  Because I mean brownies can be psychedelic in itself.

M:  Yeah, yeah.  I'm starting to discover more of that sort of
thing myself.  I ate some soy products yesterday, the "meatless
meats."  And boy, did that ever do something weird to my

Viktoras:  Yeah.  Whenever ne eats cooked f especially if

M:  Oh, I didn't cook it.  I ate it raw, but it was full of
chemicals and things.

Viktoras:  What kind of product?

M:  It was the meatless meats that come in the freezer section.

Viktoras:  There are studies that have been done with these
meatless meat products -- and this was done in-house.  They found
it to be as carcinogenic as pork.

M:  Oh, I believe it, just from eating some of it and how I felt.

Viktoras:  I was discussing it with one of the people on the staff,
15 or 20 years ago.  I said, "How come you guys are still selling
it?"  "Well," he says.

M:  It makes money.

Viktoras:  That's right.  They are very hard to digest, even with
enzyme supplementation.

M:  It's not really something I want to have a part of my diet, but
I'm in the situation of my husband eats a very high meat and white
bread diet, and I get tempted by it, and I thought well, if I ever
feel like just taking a little bite, I'd rather take a little bite
of a non-animal poison than an animal poison.

Viktoras:  Yeah.  You're better off using the tempeh burgers, or
the tempeh products.  They do go through aspergillus pre-digestive
action so that they're much easier for the body to handle.  But
then analogs are all disastrous as far as I'm concerned.

M:  What does the word "analog" mean?

Viktoras:  It basically means man-made protein that goes through a
chemical weaving.

M:  Right.  Can I ask you one other question?  A few years ago you
had said, "People think I'm a raw foodist, but I'm not," and then
Theodore told me a couple months ago that you have decided to go on
raw foods.

Viktoras:  Yeah.  That's pretty much it.  See, like macrobiotics,
they centralize their diet on a certain nutritional component which
for them is rice, okay?  Well, I centralize my diet, Yukta and I,
around a mixture of grains and seeds so that about 60 percent -- if
not higher -- of our diet is just a seed mixture, sprouted for 2-3
days:  rye, oat, wheat, barley, wild rice, and then sesame,
sunflower, and pumpkin seeds.  We use that quite a bit.  About 10-
15 percent of our diet is a seaweed mixture.  The other part would
be some soaked almonds, bananas, and some vegetables.  A couple of
days ago we ate a whole bunch of inorganic fruit, and both of us
were psychedelic.

M:  Are both of you pretty much keeping a pretty low percentage on
the fruit?

Viktoras:  Yeah.

M:  Purposely, for macrobiotic type reasons?

Viktoras:  Good fruit is just not available.  Otherwise we might
eat it two times a day. . . . I hope I have been helpful.

M:  Oh, very much.  It's a delight to talk to you.  Thank you.

"Balance your diet, and then forget it.  Once in awhile it isgood to break your
diet.  If you have raving for some od that
isn't particularly good for you, don't be finicky; eat it.  But
don't make a practice of it, and thus let it become a habit.  So
many people are all the time fussing about their food.  What is the
use of having a body that you have to fuss about all the time?
Your body should be your servant; don't allow yourself to become
its slave." -- Paramahansa Yogananda, _The Divine Romance_