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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Janis Callen Bell <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 1 Sep 1998 16:16:14 -0400
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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Hi Folks,
I've been out of town for awhile so I don't have the subject heading, but I
wanted to share my own experience in response to Ben's list of symptoms, as
I had all of them in the past and am almost now symptom free.  The only
problems I still have are that I get extremely dehydrated if I'm not careful
to keep drinking lots of water, and if I eat refined carbohydrates or even
too much whole starchy vegetables without combining them with protein I get
bloated or feel very fatigued.  But otherwise I now have no aches, muscles
are strong, energy is great!

One thing that has helped alot which I started about 2 weeks ago was using
the technology of Robert {Bob} Beck -- e.g. an blood purification device
called a silver pulser, a magnetic pulser, silver colloid and ozonated
water, plus I also use activated charcoal.  The charcoal and ozonated water
help detox, the first by pulling toxins out of the system, the second by
putting more oxygen in.  This in itself didn't have much effect.  What did
seem to knock out my CFS is about 2 days was the blood purification and
magnetic pulser and silver colloid, which neutralize and kills all
pathogens.  I suddenly had tons of energy, went to the park with my dog,
started running around with her and sprinted until my thigh muscles ached,
but my heart and lungs were crying for more exercise -- it felt soooo good.
Lisa can confirm that I had lots of energy for dancing at our cousin's
renuion last weekend, stayed up til 3 am, and still felt fine the next
morning, flew out to LA from DC that afternoon and went running when I got
out to the hotel in BelAir!  Then I crashed around 9:30 but hey, it was a
very full day!

So now I'm convinced that my FM and CFS have been the result of some virus
that attacks the nervous system and then goes latent, but which keeps the
immune system in a constantly 'active' state and sends the body out of
balance so that candida overgrowth occurs along with this pesty virus that
eludes the microbiologists.  My persisting symptoms are due to candida
overgrowth, which I'm working on with diet (just read and will soon start
following the guidelines of the Body Ecology Diet) but keeping it 80 % raw,
and most likely some damage to the CNS which will take some time to repair
as my body now needs time to regenerate healthy cells.

Will have a second live-blood analysis at the end of next month and will let
you all know the results.  IN the one I had before I started we saw lots of
bacteria on my blood cells,, some parasites, mostly flukes, signs of liver
congestion, and lots of stacking of red blood cells.

More info on the Beck technology from SOTA instruments.

Blessings to all.
