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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Jun Verzola <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 25 Sep 1998 08:38:38 -0400
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
> I have eaten brain (of bavarian cow, i think) and was
> not very fond of it. Yesterday I met someone claiming
> that to have eaten well-tasting br
> ain soup in the childhood.

My own personal experience:

When I was a child, I was not known to refuse any food outright. Once,
I was about 10 years old then, we were served what I thought was our
typical egg omelette breakfast. But on that particular morning, as I
took the first bite into my serving, my taste buds just simply went
berserk. I reflexively retched and spit out the whole mouthful -- it
tasted so unspeakably repulsive.

"What's with THIS omelette???" I asked. Our aunt who supervised the
kitchen was rightfully indignant at me. It was a cow's-brain omelette,
she said. Brains of butchered animals are prime pickings at the
market, she added. I refused anyway.

After that, I never attempted to taste anything that had mammal or
fowl brain in it. As I grew up I learned to eat most any edible piece
of fauna -- chicken feet, pig's ears, fish gut, cow's tongue, ant
larvae, forest lizards, cloud rats. Anything except THAT (and
cannibalism of course).

(Note: It's often a pleasant surprise for Filipino kids when omelette
is served, because our mothers are very innovative in what to mix in
with the beaten eggs. One day it might be broiled eggplant, another
day it could be mushrooms, or shrimps, or finely-chopped fish, or crab
meat, or bitter gourd, or even thinly-sliced Western-style sausages
occasionally. But after that "brainy" encounter, omelette breakfast
surprises were no longer so pleasant for me. :-(

     Jun V.