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Development of Adaptive Hardware & Software for the Blind/VI


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Laurie Borowski <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
BLIND-DEV: Development of Adaptive Hardware & Software for the Blind/VI" <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 30 Dec 1998 06:49:11 PST
text/plain (298 lines)
Dear Sir/Madam,

        My name is Laurie Borowski and I am a senior student at Waterloo
Collegiate Institute.  As part of my sociology course I am conducting a
survey of families with a blind parent or two blind parents and how it
affects the family.  I would greatly appreciate your cooperation in
completing a survey.

        Attached is a short survey that I would appreciate your taking
the time to complete.  Please do not write your name on the survey, as
it is strictly confidential.  Please check only one answer per question,
unless otherwise specified.  There is a space after each question where
you may make comments but this is not necessary.  There are two surveys
attached the first is for blind parents and the second is for their
children.  Please fill in one or the other and if possible have family
members fill out surveys if they qualify.

        Thank you for your cooperation and time.  Please return surveys
to [log in to unmask] before January 3, 1999.  If you have any
questions or concerns please contact my sociology teacher, Mrs. Byers,
at the school at 1-519-884-9590.

Thank you,


Survey for Blind Parents

1. Are you a blind parent?

*******If you answered no please do not finish this survey*********

2. In what ways do you think having a blind parent affects you
children's interaction with other people?       (Select all that apply)

        Feel ashamed
        People pity you/your child
        You are discriminated against

3. If and when discrimination occurs how do you think it affects your

        Not at all

4. How do you feel the lack of visual input affects your children's

        Very negatively
        Makes no difference
        Very positively
        Have not thought about it

5. Do you feel that your children miss opportunities because of your
blindness? How so?


6. In comparison to your friends' children, do you feel having a blind
parent affects your children's participation in activities?


7. If having blind parents affects your children's participation in
activities, please check why.
      (Select all that apply)

        Do not fit it
Cannot get places - lack of transportation
        Lack of money
Lack of fashion awareness or understanding in family
Accepted because you/your children are pitied
Increases participation because your children want to do what you could

8. How do you feel your family functions compared to other families?

        The same

9. Is the frequency of family outings affected by your blindness?


10.  How do you feel that blindness affects your family overall compared
to other families?

        Not at all

11.  Do you feel that your blindness causes inconvenience in your family
and to what extreme?

        Not at all

12.  How do you feel blindness affects the closeness of your family?

        Pulls it together
        Not a factor
        Pulls it apart

13.  Do you think your children have _______ than children of sighted

        More responsibilities
        Average responsibilities
        Less responsibilities

14.  How do you think your blindness has affected your children's social
(Interaction with others, behaviors, manners, etc.)

        Has a positive effect
        Has no effect
        Has a negative effect

15.  If you could change one thing about yourself would it be your


Survey for Children of Blind Parents

1. Are your parents blind?

************If you answered no please do not finish this

2. In what ways does having a blind parent affect your interaction with
other people?
       (Select all that apply)

        Feel ashamed
        People pity you/your child
        You are discriminated against

3. If and when discrimination occurs how does it affect you?

        Not at all

4. How does lack of visual input from parents affect your self-esteem?

        Very negatively
        Makes no difference
        Very positively
        Have not thought about it

5. Do you feel that you miss opportunities because your parents are
blind? How so?


6. In comparison to your friends, do you feel having a blind parent
affects your participation in activities?


7. If having blind parents affects your participation in activities,
please check why.
      (Select all that apply)

        Do not fit it
Cannot get places - lack of transportation
        Lack of money
Lack of fashion awareness or understanding in family
Accepted because you/your parents are pitied
Increases participation because your children want to do what you could

8. How do you feel your family functions compared to other families?

        The same

9. Is the frequency of family outings affected by your parents'


10.  How do you feel that blindness affects your family overall compared
to other families?

        Not at all

11.  Do you feel that your parents being blind causes inconvenience in
your family? To what extreme?

        Not at all

12.  How close do you think your family is?

        Very close
        Far apart

13.  Do you think you have _______ than children of sighted parents?

        More responsibilities
        Average responsibilities
        Less responsibilities

14.  How are your social skills?     (Interaction with others,
behaviors, manners, etc.)


15.  If you could change one thing about your parents would it be their


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