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Wed, 3 Mar 1999 08:37:47 -0500
Steve Southern <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (54 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Nina has raised an issue that I would like to comment on. This may likely
generate some debate.

We have a theory that for mild celiacs there may be some merit in exposing
one's self to very minute tracings of gluten. I have read repeatedly in this
list about celiacs who became increasingly more sensitive to gluten as their
time on the GF diet grew. Many have stated that gluten would cause minor
problems before they were diagnosed, but now that they have been GF for x
years, their sensitivity has increased dramatically, and even trace amounts
of gluten cause severe problems. Perhaps, continued exposure to minute
tracings of gluten from day one would limit/curb this tendency to increased

Our son, now almost 5 was diagnosed 1.5 years ago. His celiac is very very
mild. It was caught because we have a wonderful doctor who noticed his
complexion was slightly pale. Braden's development has not been affected.
He's very bright, very tall, has good weight, etc.

As per our theory, we, like Nina, do not tend to worry about grilled and
deep fried foods where the cooking surface may be "contaminated". We DO NOT
expose him to foods that contain gluten (e.g. pizza, KFC, conventional
bread, etc.). We have stayed relaxed on the
cross-contamination-during-cooking issue while in restaurants because (a) we
believe our theory has merit, and (b) it allows Braden some modicum of
freedom when eating out, and (c) he has never shown any symptoms. Braden has
had clean blood tests since he was originally diagnosed and went GF.

Now for the disclaimer. We are not doctors, or experts. Far from it. I do
not post this as a recommendation to anyone. I post this theory for debate
only. I would also like to preempt anyone out there who is about to lecture
us on the dangers of exposing our son to gluten. We have considered all of
the pros and the cons. We have made every attempt to be as informed as
possible. You may believe that what we are doing is somehow endangering
Braden. We firmly disagree. For now, as per our theory, we believe that it
would be more dangerous to ensure absolute and total elimination of all
gluten exposure. So please, if you have just reached for your soap box,
please, please put it away.

Now, let the debate begin. Any comments????

Stephen Southern,
Kitchener, Ontario

Nina wrote:

> I do not worry much
>(perhaps I should and this is where my confusion is) about contamination if
>I have grilled meats or French Fries.  I just stay away from everything I
>know I can't have.  I am not as sensitive as many Celiacs and I never had a
>reaction from restaurant food.
>Is there anyone else out there who feels this way?