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Print Reply
Thu, 29 Apr 1999 19:15:38 PDT
Ivana Mogin-Teodorovic <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (109 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I asked for help about my massive food intolerance problem a couple of weeks
Thank you all very much for your advice and care. I have found many
useful things in your responses and already applying some of them and seeing
results. So here is the summary:

You might want to check out that new book by Dr. Peter D'Adamo on
eating right for your blood type.

What about including a large serving of that wonderful New Zealand
lamb in your diet.  It is the least likely to cause any kind of
allergic reaction of anay kind of meat - and is delicious if cooked
correctly.  You live there - you must know how to cook it.  Humans
have been carnivours for centuries - eons, in fact - and stayed well,
had strong bones and teeth.
The current vogue for vegetarian diets is not well balanced and leaves
gaps in nutritional base.  Give it a try.

I think it is easy to blame it on everything we eat.  If you had
symptoms and you ate carrots and potatoes then you feel it must be
coming from them.
Go back to your Gastroenterolgist or get another one and try to figure
out where this is coming from.

Is there a problem with your water supply?

A book called "Is This Your Child? Detecting and
Treating Undiagnosed Allergies in Children and Adults" by Doris Rapp
M.D.(Think I got that title all right)  I checked and it is available
at http://www.amazon.com
This book tells a lot about treating people with multiple food
sensitivities with a special testing and treatment called P/N.
(provocation/neutralization) Perhaps it could help you deal with your
diet difficulties if you can find a doctor there that is familiar with
the process.

Are you rotating your diet? I've heard that eating the same things day
after day can make you become allergic to them eventually, but if you
eliminate them for a while and then add them back slowly and rotate,
you can eat them again.

Sometimes you need to rotate the foods to eat. Also, I found from
personal experience that whenever one is under stress, the body
rejects EVERYTHING. Peace of mind is very important for celiacs. You
may also be ingesting hidden gluten without knowing it. In the
beginning I thought I was reacting to almost everything, but many
commercial products have gluten. Nuts are dusted with flour to prevent
sticking. Even frozen potatoes sometimes have gluten. Try to avoid
dairy and corn for a while, and eat lots of green leafy vegetables, in
addition to vitamin supplements (try to find a gf vitamin though). Eat
only fresh produce. This means no instant mashed potatoes!

Also, watch out for something I call delayed reaction. In my case I
can eat something today, and not react until the next morning, when I
was eating something else. I would blame that food, not realising the
food I ate the day before was to blame.

Take heart. You will get control over your allergies. Sometimes you
may even think you're a hypochondriac, but you aren't. What you have
to be is a food police. As hard as it is, you have to monitor
everything you eat.
Hope this helps.

You could try going to  someone in the alternative field, try
asking around for someone you can trust.

The first thing, if you haven't already, take a good vitamin B complex
in a double dose (twice a day instead of one).  The symptoms of
several B deficiencies are similar to those of celiac and also the
celiac diet even at its best can be B deficient even for people whose
intestine is digesting half way \normal (make sure the vitamin  pills
are gf!)

You may be having a total body toxic reaction to those vaccines you
took. It is possible that you got some contaminated vaccine and got
poisoned. Do you have a good naturopath who can check you for hidden
viruses? I got poisoned by both the polio (developed the coxsackie
virus from it) and the DPT vaccinations (got Epstein Barr from it) as
a child which didn't help my worsening health from the undiagnosed CD.
My doctor here in Atlanta has concocted homeopathic liquid detoxes for
obscure viruses which do not show up on conventional testing. You also
sound like you have "leaky gut" syndorme and could use some
L-glucosamine and other healing intestinal membrane supplements.
Granulated soy lecithin, l tablespoon with 6 0z water in a blende for
a few seconds is very healing for the gut.

I have trouble with multiple food intolerances.  My allergist
recommends avoiding the foods that cause difficulty for a period of
about six months while rotating the foods you do tolerate so that you
don't eat things from the same food families more than every four
days.  The rotation will help avoid the development of new
sensitivities.  After the six month period try adding some of the
previously offending foods back in.  If they no longer
cause a reaction, add them into your rotation.  This approach, while
time consuming and restrictive, seems to have helped me a great deal.
In addition to my allergist's advice, I have read about the
principles of food rotation in books about food allergy and
intolerance and have seem references to it on this list.  You might
check the list archives for more information.