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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Tue, 22 Dec 1998 16:42:22 -0500
"Kristen S. White" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (82 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi all!  Here is my complete summary to my question regarding gluten in
crowns.  What had actually happened was that I spoke with an office
person at the dentist, who gave me wrong information.  She misunderstood
my question about gluten, and told me that there was gluten, when there
wasn't.  My husband did not get any adverse reactions to anything they
used for the temp crown.

Here is the list of replies I received.

<I talked to my dentist about this and he is positive that no wheat could
be in a crown.  Could you get some specifics from your dentist that I
could forward to my dentist.  He is very willing to research this with
his suppliers if he has something definite to talk to them about.>

<I would think that the wheat that may be used is in the mold material,
and is not something that will permanently be in your husband's mouth.  I
don't know how intense his sensitivity is, but for some of this is really
not a problem if the mouth is thoroughly rinsed after the mold is
completed.  I hope you will send whatever you learn back to the list, and
will also tell us how he gets along.>

<I'm very new to the list and I am a dental assistant.  I have been
looking through these sheets called MSDS sheets to find out the total
ingredients of products we use because I had the same concerns.  I feel
my worst at work being around all of the powders and liquids that also
smell bad too.  I have so many sheets to go through.  I wish I could help
you out in time.  But I suggest that you call early and have some take
the time to look up what is in the Temp.  cement that they will use on
his temp.  crown until the perm.  one is made.  Other products would be
the impression material, buildup materials.  I will continue to do my
research and let the list know.>


<I don't know if you have looked at the list from 11/25/98.  Check out
Jutta Martin, subject:  comprehensive list for GF Food.  I looked under
the pocket guide info and kept scrolling down that list and through the
list of medications and low and behold is a list of dental products that
are GF by certain companies.  I e-mailed you on the AM of your husbands
crown prep.  I have been looking through the sheets also, but it does
take a while.>

<I had a crown done 2 weeks ago.The cement was flavored.  Every time I
tasted it I got nauseous.My stomach hurt for the last 2 weeks.  Had the
permanent crown put on Thursday.Symptoms are gone.I don't know if there
is any alternative for the cement for the temporary crown.  My dentist is
very careful about trying to keep stuff from going down my
throat.Temporary crowns leak a little of the cement the whole time they
are in your mouth.Especially when you floss.  This is my 3rd crown since
going GF, same story every time.  The permanent crown & cement is no

<I am a retired dentist.  My wife and two daughters are are afflicted
with celiac sprue, so I have done alot of research on the problem.  I
really don't know what would be used in a crown preparation that contains
wheat-or any other grain.  There are a variety of impression materials
available;both silicone and polyvinylsiloxane based.  Other than these, I
don't know of anything that would be used in that procedure that would
contain gluten and there is no gluten in these impression materials.
Ross E Wellman,DDS>

<Don't let them put anything with gluten in your husband's mouth;
research this one first.  That could be a disaster for him.  I am very
chemically sensitive and my mercury-free dentist uses an acrylic which he
personally researched for me to make sure there was no gluten, lactose,
eggs, or corn in it.  It is an all- plastic material and I have all my
work done with it, including crowns.  I have had absolutely no problems
with the materials used.  I also have no metal in my mouth any longer and
that has improved my health dramatically.>

<The only reaction I have at the dentist is to analgesics that have
epinephrine in them.  They make my heart race...at least they used to
when I had really low blood pressure.  Middle age cured the blood
pressure.  Other than that, my dentist says all of the stuff he uses is
gf, but I've never seen him look at a label.  I've also never knowingly

Thanks all for your replies.  I hope this helps.  Kristen White