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Thu, 23 Jul 1998 09:59:09 -0400
Bobbie Proctor <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi, Elaine, I decided to post this to the whole list, too.

I haven't tried them myself (I'm afraid to!) but 2 of my co-
workers, both non-celiac, have tried them and had severe
diarrhea with stomach cramps. They thought Pringles
tasted good, too, but they won't touch them now!

This was a not a gluten reaction. I subscribe to a nutritional
information magazine called *Nutrition Action* that had a
feature article on olestra (Olean is the trade name for it) in
the March 1998 issue, pages 9-11, warning against eating
products with this ingredient, partly because digestive
upsets and severe diarrhea are well-known side effects of
it among ordinary (i.e., non-celiac) people. I will quote from
the concluding sidebar:

"The Bottom Line
-Don't eat foods made with olestra. It causes gastrointestinal
problems in some people and robs the body of carotenoids
that may protect against cancer, heart disease, and blindness.
-If you eat olestra and have a problem, call our hotline (1-888-
OLESTRA) or fill out a report on our Web site's olestra page

There's a lot more. This publication is not addressed to
celiacs, but to the general public interested in eating
properly. It cites several scientific studies to support its con-
clusions, which I will post to anybody interested. We have
enough troubles with our tummies without asking for more!

Good luck and good health!
Bobbi in Baltimore