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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 15 Jan 2002 06:45:28 -0800
text/plain (47 lines)
But we should also keep in mind that it is possible for different people to
come up with the same idea independently.  An earlier example is not always
the source of a later one.  I know nothing of the stuff below; I just had to
throw that comment into the mix...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Raw Food Diet Support List
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of Ingrid Bauer
> Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 9:15 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: origins of the organic movement: new book
> > thanks for your comments. I have not yet obtained a copy of the book,
> > and my remarks re: surprising, were in reference to the claims
> > that the organic movement was linked to "right wing" political
> > groups as suggested in the amazon.com listing. Thanks for
> > providing additional information here.
> >
> > PS indeed, there were links between German naturalism (a strong
> > influence on the modern raw-foods movement) and the 3rd Reich.
> >
> there is a friend in France who do an amazing research in the historic of
> the natural hygiene movment He will take him many ore years before he can
> delight us or scare us with his book .
> On the french instincto list he have released some extracts of old text
> found in rare books that teach us that Guy-claude Burger will be the
> plagiarist descendant of authors from the right wing secret
> esoteric movment
> of the past .
> there  will be connections between pedophily ,
> homosexality,nazism,  natural
> hygiene , the proponents of instinct  and other delicacy  i might have
> forgotten .Fascinating !
> If it is true ,we can see why he didn't gave  his source , it was useless
> anyway because he got condemned to 11 years of prison anyway .
> The democrats
> got him finally, the law of the crowd took over .
> jean-claude
> > Tom Billings