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Stefan Jöst <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 7 Jun 2000 19:39:54 +0200
text/plain (56 lines)

Karen wrote:
>a far bigger reason for breast cancer is BRAS,

Well, I can't see a reson for a bra producing cancer. What mechanism
are you thinking of?
>which restrict the breast
>glands from
>eliminating into the lymph system which goes up each arm, leg and trunk.

How would that elimination work better without a bra and the breasts
hanging down or just being where they are?

>if constipated (like most people in the West)
>the breasts become abnormally enlarged--like a heffer.

Yes. One of the best signs that a woman is sick despite she might be
slim and good looking in every other aspect. She stores her toxins
in her bra so to speak. ;-)

>Instead of wearing  bras, women should
>lose all that morbid weight (enlarging the breasts)

Yes, but easier said than done. Ask those slim girls who go to the
gym four times the week and work out hard why they still have their
big breasts.

>My breasts have always been, um, well, "enlarged" I guess you're
>calling it.
>It runs in my family, so we don't think of it as "abnormal."

When the whole planet faces an abnormal phenomen it's called normal.
The same for you and your family.

>We're rather proud of our large, very female breasts.

Of course. If you can't cure it, be proud of it. But to call big
boops "female" is, eh, just a little bit overboard I think. :-)

>Other people seem to enjoy them, too.

There's a whole society that thinks this way: the bigger the better.
The ambiguity is that if your breasts become floppy they aren't
considered attractive any longer. So on one side big is beautiful
and on the other side: if they start hanging down, it's bad. What
do you choose in this game? You always lose.
Better consider "small is beautiful" to be the solution.

Best regards,
