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Gregg M Burton <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 12 Mar 1998 03:47:14 -0800
text/plain (95 lines)
Hi PE or Pet!!! - I'm not sure what you go by since I see you use PE in
your e-mail address and yet Pet in your sign off - So please let me know
- Thanks!!!

Thanks for your Reply.

>   Gregg, personal experiences can be deeper than common ones,
> but need not be more valid, as we see with instincto 'instinct'
> (probably misnamed intuition), which varies with the user.


>    A few comments--
>    Siberia, putative home of shamanism, is no nearer Ukraine than
> California's near Labrador.

Yes I realize that there is some distance between them but a lot of the
Russian/Ukrainians weren't originally from the Ukraine and either were
my Ancestors I suspect, but my Family going back for at least a few
Generations were.  My Mother told me how we had some Asian in our Blood
far back in the Family and so most probably they were from Siberia - I
don't know about my Father's side.  From what it seems, there was
probably a lot of movement amongst the various Nomadic Peoples of
Siberia and with all the stuff going on in the 13th Century God Knows
where everyone ended up.  As you might well know, the Mongol Warriors
swept across the Southern edge of Siberia and subsequently overran
Russia and invaded Ukraine, where they inflicted extensive damage, and
for the next 2 Centuries the Mongols dominated Southern and Western
Siberia as well as Russia itself.  So you can see when I mentioned the
Siberian Shamans and that I might have that in my Blood you can see why
and see how it's not that far fetched.

>    The chants of First Americans ("American/Red Indians') don't all
> sound alike except to the Western tin ear.

How do you know what chant or sounds I was referring to?  I also said it
sounded "like" them for lack of any other reference - Thank you very

>    Many cultures appeal to sky gods validating their ways, which of
> course differ.  I know of no citified or literate culture but, so
> far, the Indus River culture of -2600 that seemed to spring from
> nothing, and that was a full millennium after Shumer.  When their
> language is deciphered things will become clearer too.


>    Ball lightning is so far neither well understood nor validated,
> though most likely it exists.

The first part is right but not the rest because it has been "validated"
even though it's not "well understood", but either is Normal Lightning,
and they're still learning more and more stuff about that everyday.  So
saying " though most likely it exists" is ludicrous because it is
already know to actually exist, and has been seen, photographed,
documented, and even duplicated for short periods of time with different
equipment.  So please don't try to sound knowledgeable when you don't
know what your talking about her as I do have more than just personal
experience with the Phenomenon.

>    ESP and UFOs have failed all validation tests done by non-frauds
> who understood something about tricksters and self-delusion.

Oh Please!!! - Grow Up!!! - This is almost the most ridiculous thing
I've heard you say - Are you like sleeping with the "The Amazing Randi"
- James Randi - or something? There is some much documentation back up
both ESP and UFOs I'm not going to get into all of it now, but if needed
I can even give you sources - Geesh!!!

>                                                               I was
> in contact with the Beyond Human group, known to the press as
> Heavensgate, and found their notions interesting, in the Christian
> tradition, and not credible.                         Pet

So!!! - What does that have to do with anything I was talking about.  Is
that what you're using as at least one your sources for saying: "ESP and
UFOs have failed all validation tests..."?  If so that is one of the
most ridiculous things I heard in a long time.

 - Please don't tell me you're going to say you're a Closet Member of
NFL - Nature's First Law - and that you believe we should all be
Vegetarians or Fruitarians or something and that Man was never created
to eat meat.

Anyway, I wished you would have written more or, at least, something
about the Subject of this Thread: "Food, Behavior, Genetics, and
Evolution" - Thank You!!! - I really want to know if you or anyone else
thinks that some of us might be actually different and that we could
possibly evolve during our Actual Lives in a noticeable way amongst
other things.

 - Bye For Now!!!
 - Gregg!!!