I recently purchased a Used US Robotics External Voice Fax Modem with
x2. I have a couple questions I'm looking for help with:
1. What settings should I set the Com Port to? They are presently set
to 115200 bits per second, 8 data bits, Parity none, stop bits 1, and
Flow Control is set to hardware. These are the same settings I have set
up on my modem properties. Biggest question conerrns the flow control I
guess. It was set at software on the port initially and I changed it.
What does it mean/do?
2. USR has an upgrade to v90 available for my modem on their site. My
ISP has not yet upgraded from x2. If I upgrade will I lose the ability
to connect on X2 protocol, or wont that matter?
Thanks in Advance for any help.