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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 12 Dec 1998 23:08:40 -1000
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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Melisa and I recently got some blood work done.

We were both anxiously awaiting the results--primarily to see if we were
"getting away" with cooking (grilled meat, steamed veggies--mostly Melisa
on the veggies) after several years of eating only raw foods (well, me
anyway ;)). In the back of my mind I thought that I could be one of the
folks who end up with high cholesteral if I ate cooked animal foods. And if
so I was gonna return to raw since it had previously proven itself pretty
well with me.

Anyway, Melisa's overall cholesteral was flagged as high since it was over
200, though I thought her ratios were nice. (Isn't there something about a
ratio including trigs?) Further, she had an overall cholesteral of 339 a
couple weeks before giving birth some ten months ago (she is still
breastfeeding heavily now) so I guess she is definately going in the right
direction. Still she isn't too terribly "proud" of having high cholesteral,
since it was well below 200 in previous years.

BTW, our doctor was convinced that avocados and coconuts had cholesteral so
he wasn't much of a source of believable interpetation. ;)

Melisa:         11/98   1995    1993    1991

Blood Pressure: 90/60   100/60  100/70  110/80
Cholesteral:    216     186     170     153   (339 in 1/98)
Triglyceride:   47      49      40      NA
HDL:            75      67      NA      NA
LDL:            132     112*    NA      NA
CHOL/HDL:       2.88    2.78    NA      NA
LDL/HDL:        1.8     1.67*   NA      NA


Blood Pressure: 100/64  100/60  100/70  110/70
Cholesteral:    181     175     167     182
Triglyceride:   34      70      99      NA
HDL:            56      63      NA      NA
LDL:            118     104*    NA      NA
CHOL/HDL:       3.23    2.7     NA      NA
LDL/HDL:        2.1     1.65*   NA      NA

*estimated LDL (from CHOL - HDL -about 5%)
I don't know if that is a "legal" calculation. :/

My albumin was 4.1; Melisa's 3.9. There was a thread a while back saying
that they should be much higher, no?

And my ESR was 0 which I'm tickled about since Schmid sees that as an
indicator of health. Probably a fluke ;)

I'm not sure what to make of all this, except that the switch from all raw
to lots of cooked fatty meat (and often raw marrow) hasn't seemed to hurt
my stats much.

Any other ideas?


Secola  /\  Nieft
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