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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Les Smith <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 2 Apr 1999 23:39:21 -0500
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
TEXT/PLAIN (47 lines)
On Fri, 2 Apr 1999, Susan Kline wrote:

> At 06:23 AM 4/2/99 -0800, you wrote:
> >I have given Neanderthin to friends
> >and relatives and they all say "interesting" but don't follow through.
> My Mom said "interesting" but didn't follow through. However, Les Smith
> followed through and is doing great .... <snip>

Knowing that I was still in a wheelchair, two and a half years after my
last stroke, Susan sent me to the website to read about the individual who
had cured himself of MS through diet alone. I din't have MS, but many of
my symptoms were similar. Her hope was that the diet might be able to do
for me, what it did for him.

Frankly, at first reading, the Neanderthin diet did seem rather strange,
but faced with the prospect of spending the rest of my life in a wheel-
chair, I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. Plus, I believe in
Susan. So I gave it a shot.

I should add here that I am highly atypical to this list. I have NEVER
experienced any of the cravings, withdrawl symptoms, food allergies, nor
any of the myriad other problems with seem to plague virtually everyone
else here. Simply put: I read NeanderThin; I committed to the diet; then,
I just DID IT. For me, the results were almost immediate and dramatic.

I have abandoned my wheelchair in a "No Parking -- Tow-Away Zone". I am
now walking a mile a day; I can play the piano, again; I can write long-
hand, where before I had been reduced to signing my name with an "X";
I can speak more distinctly; and I now wear real clothes with buttons and
zippers, along with shoes that lace up.

My objective in adopting NeanderThin was not to lose weight -- this
is just an added side benefit, for me -- but to reclaim my life which
had been taken away from me by the stroke.  My gratitide to Ray and Susan
is boundless. Between the two of them, they have given me back my life.
So, all in all, I guess one could characterize my progress as "great".

> It's a fantastic book, no doubt about it!

You certainly won't get any argument from me on that point, however, I
do have one reservation. It's that "naked wih a sharp stick" rule.
Candidly, I don't know how early man ever ate raspberries. Personally,
when I'm out gathering, all those sharp barbs give me fits! :)

Les Smith