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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 6 Dec 1998 23:41:24 -1000
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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>(J.L.) Burger summarizes the theory of metasexuality like this :
>- The teleological function of human sexual instinct would be the

Well, I've read that sentence over several times and all I get is an
increasingly larger smile on my face. Tell me if Mr. Burger were robustly
heterosexual would he use gorillas instead of pygmie chimps as his primate
model for sexuality. If he was was a fisherman, would he use dolphins as
the True human model of sexuality? If he were a gang member would he use
Gombe chimps? If he was happily married would he use gibbons? Underneath
all the big words I mean. ;)

>- The repressed Oedipus complex would be the cause of it's failure.
>Such an axiomatic, as much as it is confirmed as being phenomenologically
>complete and structurally coherent, could establish, beyond the Nature Culture
>dilemma, a non reductionist psychoanalysis, or metapsychoanalysis, based
>on the
>knowledge and the respect of fundamental instincts. Instead of shifting the
>oedipian problem, by exchanging the unconscious inhibition with the conscious
>rejection, this psychoanalysis would aim to restore an operational psychic
>structuration by postulating the normality of a non repressed Oedipus.

Which most naturally leads to:

>It would
>then be a matter of giving back their primary meaning to sexual pulsing
>and, most
>of all, their true object, of energetic essence, using an accurate
>of the love phenomenon and a radical transformation of the educational
>which would avoid any inhibition in children, and by the restoration of
>in adults based on the reinstatement of the natural pulsionnary mechanism, the
>only to be able to give access to energies previously subjected to frustration
>and necessary to heal the oedipian traumatism. It is in restoring to sexual
>instinct, or rather to love, its intrinsic metapsychical finality that
>psychoanalysis, and more generally the human sciences, would reach their
>goal : the full development of the total being, its materiality and
>restored to its primordial unity.

And presto ipso facto, let's bugger those kiddies. I'd put a smiley but it
is all far far to pathetic.

>(J.L.) Anopsology : Science of man and life when are avoided culinary
>and more generally the characteristic artifices of conceptual intelligence.
>(Kirt) There is no science without the artifices of conceptual intelligence.
>Doesn't this make your grandiose definition a little bit silly? Forget that it
>claims all aspects
>of humanity (not simply alimentation) as its subject. Forget that we have
>conceptual intelligence for good reason ;). Forget that a very mentally
>person is the conceptualizer of this definition. eah, forget it all, man: you
>have found the "ideal" and your life now makes sense because of a silly
>definition. (I've
>been there myself, Jacques, and wish I had someone challenging the party line
>back then.)
>(A.P.) Conceptual intelligence can bring us to do very silly things
>(Atomic bombs
>and cooking for example) but it also can help us to get out of the trap it
>Conceptual intelligence is a progress but we have to learn how to use it

I agree in principal (yet don't feel cooking is Evil), but I don't see what
that has to do with JL's intitial example of clarity of thought, nor my

>(J.L.) If the difficulty of application of this method is sufficient to
>make you
>deny its basic validity, your place may definitely be near the warmth of your
>(Kirt) Ha! I will never ceased to be surprised with how many ways the above
>sentiment can be verbalized. How about: If it doesn't work in reality, and you
>so, then you are under the evil spell of cooked foods!
>(A.P.) It seems that many people who tried instincto and had problems doing it
>right, turn against it after.

This just gets better and better! How about: If it doesn't work in reality,
and you say so, then you might be vindictive because it didn't work in

I can imagine why you would think these things. I hate to disappoint but I
had excellent results personally for several years eating instinctively. In
trying to give my results (and instincto) validity I experimented with
mixed veggies, cooked veggies, cooked meat, and some raw dairy. I would
prove to myself how much raw mattered. How horrible dairy was. And so on.
It all went down well for me--and this after nearly nine years 100% raw.
Imagine my surprise! ;) And after all that True I am doing
just as great on quite a bit of cooked meat (and, granted, raw marrow). I
could care less about raw dairy, but it is not Evil. Steamed veggies
cleared up an exema-like skin patch which appeared within days of going
instincto and never self-limited--until eating some steamed broccoli.
Imagine my surprise!

I experimented with the instincto taboos above because I saw big trouble
for longterm instinctos everywhere I looked. I didn't want to be next. ;)
But I'll bet you will reply "maybe you feel good now, but in the long
run...." Perhaps so, but instincto in the long run seems just as

>(Kirt) Perhaps you could summarize the points that he disagrees with
>Burger on?
>This would be very interesting to instincto watchers worldwide who don't read
>(J.L.) Fundamentally none, except that he suggests a less restrictive
>diet, but
>only after saying this :
>"Instinctotherapy is certainly an ideal system and the most performing method
>among the diverse diets to improve or cure many illnesses. But its application
>has many drawbacks :
>- Hard to organize, because you need a great variety of original food.
>- Relatively expensive (some original and very useful fruits and meat are very
>- It is very strict.
>- It is antisocial, in the sense that you cannot go to restaurants or even eat
>with friends that don't practice it. The obligation of smelling every food
>restricts contact with non initiates. Burger's disciples that don't want to be
>alone, have a tendency to join with others for meals, bringing and sharing the
>original food they were able to acquire. Such reunions take the appearance
>of a

This is all very reasonable talk. Too bad Jean Seignalet isn't the primary
spokesperson for instincto instead of Burger. It might have a chance to
move beyond its cult status and grow up.

>(A.P.) Extract from chapter 9
>"You have to get as close as possible to the ancestral nutritional mode,
>imposing to rigid restrictions that would discourage the patient. The diet
>involves six essentiel directives :
>- Suppression of all cereals, except small quantities of rice
>- Suppression of all milk and milk byproducts.
>- Eat a maximum of raw food.
>- Include in the diet first cold pressed oils
>- When ever possible, choose "bio" food as close as possible to original.
>- Take supplements of magnesium salts, oligo-elements, physiological doses of
>vitamins and lactic ferments."

All sounds very reasonable (though I admit ingorance of "oligo-elements").
Thank you for sharing this. If in, say, Chapter 22 the good doctor would
trash meta, I'd probably learn to read French ;)

There is much merit in the basic tenets of instincto or any other
paleo-diet. The problem to me is that it has been sold as much much more
than it really is. Meta makes this problem even worse and solidifies
instincto's status as a cult, perhaps a dangerous one. It bothers me that
True Believers never seem to question Burger's rationalizations on his
wife's death, instincto's bad track record, and his various proclamations
on non-alimentary issues.


Secola  /\  Nieft
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